Urban, K. 2008. In Search Of The Red Ape. Orangutans are large apes that are known for their long, orange-colored hair. These foods include fruits, like figs, insects and various plant matter. Accessed 2002. Although both from the same genus, Borneo and Sumatran orangutans have a few dissimilarities. MacKinnon, J. at http://www.orangutans-sos.org/faq.php. Pongo abelii, Pongo pygmaeus. The Sumatran orangutan is very similar to humans. offspring are produced in more than one group (litters, clutches, etc.) The orangutans (also spelled orang-utan, orangutang, or orang-utang) [1] are three extant species of great apes native to Indonesia and Malaysia. January 09, 2008 Pango. Fast Facts Description One of the two species of orangutan: Bornean (Pongo pygmaeus) has a round face with dark red coat; Sumatran (Pongo abelii), which has a long narrow face with paler, longer hair.Male: Adult males of both species have large cheek flaps. Sumatran Tiger Predators and Threats. Sumatran Orang-utan Classification and Evolution. To start with, Borneo orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) are found on the island of Borneo, an island that is shared by Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. When self-grooming, orangutans flip through their hair with their lips and mouth. Taken with tigers? Species: P. albelii or P. pygmaeus The orangutan has two distinct species: the Sumatran orangutan (P. albeli) and the Bornean orangutan (P. pygmaeus). Claremont, West Australia: University of Western Australia Press. Endothermy is a synapomorphy of the Mammalia, although it may have arisen in a (now extinct) synapsid ancestor; the fossil record does not distinguish these possibilities. "Sumatran Orangutan" Go behind-the-scenes to see how our trainers care for and interact with these amazing animals, and get up close with some finned, flippered, or feathered friends. December 11, 2007 The name orangutan means "man of the forest" in the Malay language. Males do not play a role in offspring care. Female tactics to reduce sexual harassment. (Thompson, 2007). genus will also permit more refined comparisons of limited samples of other fossil apes and humans. Sumatran fossil orangutan dental material is ~20% and ~15% larger than extant orangutans, respectively. Highest fruiting periods happen during rainy seasons (December to May). 2007. Females occasionally scratch and preen each other. Taxon Information Apes usually have a larger body size and weight, Apes have a more of an upright body posture, Apes rely more on vision than on smell (have a short broad nose rather than a long snout). Summary 3 The Bornean orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus, is a species of orangutan native to the island of Borneo.Together with the Sumatran orangutan, it belongs to the only genus of great apes native to Asia. Sumatran Orangutan Society, 2007. Female orangutans have learned strategic ways to avoid or reduce harassment. Fortunately, a sanctuary and a national park (Gunung Leuser) have been created in this province to protect this primate. Actual contact is not always necessary, sometimes simple body language is used as play. "Orangutan Facts" 2006. Although they don’t do it very often, Sumatran orangutans will very occasionally eat meat. Clearance of vast tracts of forests for palm oil plantations and agriculture has greatly decreased the natural habitat of the species. (Wich, et al., 2004). HEIGHT. Lately, because of logging, they have been restricted to the northern tip of the island. These calls help males claim territory, call to females, and keep out intruding male orangutans. Uncontrolled forest fires have also harmed orangutan habitat. Natural predators of Sumatran orangutans are clouded leopards (Neofelis nebulosa) and Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae). Accessed Sumatran orangutans are more social than Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), spending more time in small groups. (Maple, 1980) Grooming is a major source of social interaction in most primates, but there are few grooming techniques used by Sumatran orangutans, which are more solitary. Live in tropical and swam forests on the southeast Asian islands of Borneo and Sumatra. As umbrella species, if orangutans are protected, so is the rainforest they inhabit and all of its associated biodiversity. having the capacity to move from one place to another. Accessed November 07, 2021 at https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Pongo_abelii/. Prosimians are characterized as primitive due to some of their physical characteristics that are not shared in other primates. Habitat. They can also use that same stick to move the bees from the honeycomb and reach the honey (as if it were a spoon). Secondly, what are orangutans habitat? Experts have seen some of them using tools. It is one of three known species of orangutan, alongside the Sumatran orangutan, found farther northwest on the island, and Bornean orangutang. Hunting of orangutans has decimated their populations. Orangutans (Pongo) are great apes belonging to the rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia. Mammal Species of the World - A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Orangutans are classified in the domain Eukarya because their cells contain a nucleus and membrane bound organelles, and they are multicellular organisms. Flanged bornean orangutan male. Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii) are natives of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. In this article, we'll tell you everything you need to know about the Sumatran orangutan, one of the subspecies of this genus. at http://www.durrell.org/Animals/Sumatran-Orangutan/. They are known to have the ability to use tools in the wilderness and captivity while also taking the name of being the largest . Any female who is not currently caring for offspring (pre-weaning) is available to mate. They spend more time in the trees than the other great apes, though they are only found in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Convergent in birds. 1. ("Sumatran Orangutan", 2006; Thompson, 2007; "Sumatran Orangutan- Population & Distribution", 2007; "Sumatran orangutan", 2007). Most fruits are only available seasonally and within a limited range. found in the oriental region of the world. Most harassment involves sub-adult males; females are less likely to mate with them, as compared to large adult males. An animal that eats mainly plants or parts of plants. They were recently split into two species, Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) and Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii). Life history of wild Sumatran orangutans ( Pongo abelii ). The people of SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment are truly and deeply driven to inspire on behalf of, to celebrate and connect with, and to care for the natural world we all share. Lovell, N. 1990. The Sumatran orangutan grows to about 1.4 m (4.6 ft) tall and 90 kg (200 lb) in males. 4. Instead, it will go on the ‘vulnerable’ list. Females occasionally scratch and preen each other. The Sumatran Orang-utan is one of three Orang-utan species in Asia, and they are natively found on the Indonesian island of Sumatra (the other species being the Bornean Orang-utan that is endemic to Borneo and the Tapanuli Orang-utan that is only found in an isolated region of northwestern Sumatra). Synonyms. Using data from three mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes from 112 wild orangutans, we show that Sumatran orangutans, Pongo abelii, are paraphyletic with respect to Bornean orangutans (P. pygmaeus), the only other currently recognized species within this genus. For example: antlers, elongated tails, special spurs. Pongo (genus)South East Asia is home to two species of orangutan; the Sumatran and Bornean orangutan. Pango abelii. When chimpanzees and gorillas walk on the ground they ball their hands and support their weight on their knuckles—hence the term, knuckle walking. Find quick information and fun facts with these 1-page easy resources about animals from A to Z. Figs are one of the most important components of the Sumatran orangutan diet. By continuing to browse, you agree to these policies. (Maple, 1980), Play is either non-social or social and has been recognized in adults and juveniles. 110-137 cm. This paper examines orangutan population history and evolution through a meta-analysis of seven loci collected from both Sumatran and Bornean orangutans. having body symmetry such that the animal can be divided in one plane into two mirror-image halves. From fun and affordable field trips for students to amazing summer adventures, our camps combine education and entertainment in a way that connects people to the sea and sea life like nowhere else. the region of the earth that surrounds the equator, from 23.5 degrees north to 23.5 degrees south. Scientists have even observed them making containers using leaves or other materials in order to collect rainwater that they save and drink later. Rijksen, H. 1978. Together with the Sumatran orangutan, it belongs to the only genus of great apes native to Asia. A 3-4 week clerkship for veterinary students wanting to augment their knowledge and experience in non-domestic animal medicine. There are many differences between apes and monkeys including the following characteristics. Critical orangutan habitat is rapidly being lost through illegal and legal logging in Sumatra. At SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, we extend our commitment to the environment beyond our company by supporting a variety of conservation groups and programs. The Bornean Orangutan, (Pongo pygmaeus), is a species of orangutan native to the island of Borneo. Additional support has come from the Marisla Foundation, UM College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Museum of Zoology, and Information and Technology Services. The Sumatran Orangutan is smaller and has longer hair than the Bornean orangutan. The same technique is used for itching, but the whole hand or arm is used. uses smells or other chemicals to communicate. The rainforest has an average monthly temperature of 20 to 28° Celsius. Disclaimer: Accessed These fossil ancestors to modern apes were called Proconsul. Bornean orangutans are the biggest tree-dwelling mammals. September 26, 2007 Come with us on an unforgettable journey behind the scenes during a SeaWorld or Busch Gardens Camp. The processes for releasing a zoo-bred Sumatran orang-utan Pongo abelii at Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, Jambi, Sumatra. They are found in primary tropical lowland forests. Animals with bilateral symmetry have dorsal and ventral sides, as well as anterior and posterior ends. Orangutans are currently only found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. Lesson, 1827. They are the smallest of the three Bornean subspecies. (On-line). "Pongo abelii" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the Sumatran orangutan, one of the subspecies of this genus. The protected status of orangutans make them an umbrella species. Another is female-female bonding, where females alone form alliances to protect themselves against sub-adult males. Orangutans are more diverse than African apes and humans. Kelle Urban (author), Radford University, Karen Powers (editor, instructor), Radford University. Referring to something living or located adjacent to a waterbody (usually, but not always, a river or stream). This means that the orangutan population of Sumatra is confined to the extreme north of the island, in the province of Aceh. They have a mid-size body, intermediate between the other two subspecies. The Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) is one of the three species of orangutans.Found only in the north of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, it is rarer than the Bornean orangutan but more common than the recently identified Tapanuli orangutan, also found in Sumatra.Its common name is based on two separate local words, "orang" ("people" or "person") and "hutan" ("forest"), derived from Malay . Iteroparous animals must, by definition, survive over multiple seasons (or periodic condition changes). Pango abelii. Pongo pygmaeus abeli. They live almost completely in the trees, building nests in which they nap or sleep for the night. Pongo abelii. Orangutans diverged from the rest of the great apes 15.7 to 19.3 million years ago (mya). Geographic Range. These are the Northeast Bornean (Pongo pygmaeus morio, from East Kalimantan and the Malaysian state of Sabah), the Northwest Bornean (P. p. pygmaeus, from northwestern Kalimantan and the Malaysian state of Sarawak), and the Southwest Bornean (P. p. wurmbii, from southern West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan). Central Bornean orangutans (P.p.wurmbii) inhabit southern West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan regions of Borneo. Genus: Pongo Species: Pongo abelii. Male Sumatran orangutans develop to about 1.7 m (5.6 ft) tall and 90 kg (200 lb). (Fox, 2002; Wich, et al., 2004), Female life spans range from 44 to 53 years in the wild. There are several similarities between humans and orangutans, including the following. Classification, To cite this page: This has been attributed to mass fruit on fig trees, where groups of Sumatran . The Sumatran orangutan is more endangered then the Bornean orangutan. Male Bornean orangutans found in the wild can reach 50 to 100 kg and 1.2 to 1.7 m long, while females reach 30 to 50 kg and 1 to 1.2 m long. A. R. A. M., & van Schaik, C. P. (2004). Third edition. Sumatran orangutans live only on the island of Sumatra, in Indonesia. Therefore orangutan taxonomy may diversify in the future as more genetic and phylogenetic information becomes available. Recent genetic evidence has led to the re-classification of Bornean and Sumatran orangutans as separate species: Pongo pygmaeus and Pongo abelii respectively. Absence of knuckle walking. Females are smaller, averaging 90 cm (3.0 ft) and 45 kg (99 lb). Therefore, he’s a forest person!
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