The way it moves suggest that it is not a planet and it has no standard lights that suggest it is a terrestrial aircraft. The main witness would claim that “a lot of people” witnessed the sighting on the night in question, with their “small community” managing to get several pictures and video footage of the lights. It then began “zipping” and “darting” in the place which it was previously hovering. The witness would state they were heading into downtown Washington DC (driving their passenger in his taxi) when they noticed a black helicopter and a “desert camo colored” helicopter that appeared to be circulating around the Jefferson Memorial. They would describe the object as being a “brown-green” color and “constructed of steel”. The first of several intriguing MUFON cases unfolded a relative stone’s throw from Roswell in Deming, New Mexico on the afternoon of 3rd April. The space station looks like an airplane or a very bright star moving across the sky, except it doesn't have flashing lights or change direction. According to the report, the vehicle was heading along a straight stretch of road before an upcoming bridge that stretched over the river. People also used the sky as a calendar once they noticed a correlation between the stars in the sky and different times of the year, like changing seasons. The witness would contact local airports, as well as a skydiving facility in the days following the sighting, discovering there were no known flights or skydiving events planned on the day in question. We should note that this is not the first time where UFOs have been captured on screen during live television broadcasts. Just after 4 pm on 15th September in Los Angeles California a local resident who lived around 40 miles from Newport Beach witnessed and filmed “something bright and metallic” in the blue skies overhead. Although he stopped short on elaborating on what the object might be, he did state that it was “hard to place so I suppose it is an unidentified flying object”. Although they were uncertain of what the object was, they believed it was “too erratic to be a satellite” and also felt that the International Space Station (which was over the UK at the approximate time of the sighting) would not have been invisible during the day. At just before 1 pm on the 30th of June over Hemet in California, a local resident observed a sphere-shaped object overhead that appeared to be “partially transparent”. What is interesting is that the photographs do appear to show a solid object that is reflecting the sun from a seemingly shiny exterior. They claimed to have watched the object for several minutes as it made its way over their house and disappeared behind the mountains. But while The Accident is bright at some infrared wavelengths, it's surprisingly faint at others. A citizen scientist has inadvertantly discovered a peculiar brown dwarf, officially known as WISEA J153429.75-104303.3 — but nicknamed “The Accident.”. What’s more, one of the pilots involved in that incident would speak to the media, with the descriptions he gave being very similar to those of the recent sighting. By the time they had crossed it and come out on the other side, the object was no longer there. They would state that the orbs moved at a steady pace and while they remained moving in formation, some of the lights would “dip down” occasionally. As we have examined before, these strange objects have shown up on news interviews, weather reports, and even live sports broadcasts. Perhaps one of the strangest reports of the previous month was that of NFL quarterback, Baker Mayfield, who very publicly claimed to have witnessed a UFO while returning home from dinner. Without a doubt one of the most intriguing UFO incidents occurred on 23rd September in Cankton, Louisiana. However, when it changed direction and moved to the east, they could see how it now appeared distinctly rectangular shaped. The witnesses to the incident would claim that these strange objects “appeared out of nowhere” and at first were just three lights. Take advantage of the pleasant June weather to watch the “Cosmic Clock” in action. She at first considered that she might have witnessed a meteor or a comet, but quickly dismissed this as there was “no flicker or arc” to it. There have also been several UFO incidents that have taken place in the previous months, and in some cases, the previous years that have only come to light over the last few weeks. As usual, we will look at these before moving on to the most recent sightings of strange objects in our collective skies. And while some people were insistent that the cyclists had definitely managed to capture something otherworldly, others insisted that there had likely just been dirt on the lens of the camera. The witness estimated that the object was traveling at an approximate altitude of around 3000 feet. The object appears to hover in the air, and while it does appear to have something akin to wings, they appear to end in “some sort of sphere”. Satellite Observing Opportunities. Thew witnessed managed to obtain several moments of video footage of the object, which according to the Edinburgh Live platform (who received the report) showed a “dark object (that) flies back and forth”. You can see that video footage below and draw your own conclusions. Indeed, veteran UFO researcher, Scott Waring would offer that “humans wear camouflage when they go hunting to blend into the environment and not get noticed”, adding that alien civilizations are likely doing the same thing (although Waring believes these extraterrestrial visitors are likely on fact-finding missions as opposed to hunting). Although Balehowsky wasn’t aware that the fallen object had sparked a significant blaze at that time, he claimed to have immediately jumped into his truck in order to find the downed object. The witness would estimate that each light was approximately the size of a small airplane. The witness would claim that the lights “appeared out of nowhere”, continuing that “some were floating along in a pattern” while others “zoomed” from one part of the sky to another (perhaps suggesting that the lights were not Chinese lanterns). You can view that below and make up your own minds on the encounter. Even going back to previous years, there have been several intriguing pieces of footage captured by door cams or doorbell cameras. As they passed through Elgin, they noticed a “long, oval, lime-green glowing object” directly above their vehicle. A Video showing how busy the night sky is. Being so high up, it appeared as a very, very tiny dot, and it moved rather fast. Sun & Moon Today Sunrise & Sunset Moonrise & Moonset Moon Phases Eclipses Night Sky. But while he was looking at one of those, he spotted The Accident flitting by. In all cases, the respective person is completely unaware of how they could have gotten the marks. When a group of local residents noticed strange lights over the town of Pie de Palo in the San Juan province of Argentina, they would report the phenomena to local UFO investigators who immediately began “skywatches” in order to try to capture the strange anomaly on film, which ultimately, they did. Although there are no pictures of the event, a UFO sighting in Fort Myers, Florida is worthy of our attention here. As he did so, he saw several cars that had pulled over to the roadside, their occupants clearly having spotted the object also. A resident in Barstow, California managed to capture footage of a glowing UFO on the same evening as the previous sighting. The team writes that the James Webb Space Telescope could provide data to confirm or deny the lack of methane, providing “verification, refutation, or further befuddlement.”. Sky This Month: November 2021; ... Mars lingers in the evening sky as a wonderful bright object as it crosses Taurus. If you saw it a little after sunset or a little before sunrise it could easily have been been a satellite in a low polar orbit. However, during this photo mission, he managed to capture just under three minutes’ worth of footage of a strange object. The witness would state in his brief report of the sighting that they at first believed the object was a “hole in the clouds” until they realized that the clouds themselves were moving behind the object. He would claim it was his opinion that they were “a drone, but with the green lights either disabled or covered”. And the fact that the strength of the wind meant it was highly unlikely to be a glider or a paraglider. These other objects – perfectly round and silent – calmly made their way toward the initial silver craft and joined it, remaining in a “perfect straight line” as they did so. In fact, they have a slight similarity to the famous Phoenix Lights episode of over two decades ago. It would appear that the picture wasn’t showing the setting sun as this had occurred earlier. The object only remained in view for around 10 seconds, but certainly long enough for the witness to dismiss that it was an airplane, helicopter, or even a satellite, especially as he was more than familiar with such objects from the perspective of his rooftop. The closer it came to him, the whiter and brighter it appeared, and most definitely cigar-shaped. They would add that the lights seemed to appear “out of thin air”. On the 17th February in the same city of Wasilla in Alaska, a similar sighting of a glowing orb hovering high overhead. Download our star maps to help you find your way around the sky. Although it wasn’t reported until the first week in March, video footage of four blinking lights over Huntington in West Virginia at around 9 pm on the evening of 22nd February. It appeared to “do some pretty incredible acrobats” as it approached and made no sound whatsoever. He would estimate that it was in view for approximately 15 seconds. As the witnesses watched the glowing object, it suddenly vanished. However, by the time he returned, it had disappeared. Harvard's top astronomer lays out his controversial theory that our solar system was recently visited by advanced alien technology from a distant star They would also state, like the first witness, that they “maintained their formation” and that they appeared very much like “cloud tear-drops”. The brief seconds of footage, though, are extremely interesting. Shortly after, he captured the video footage. Starlink satellites seen after the first launch in May 2019. There appears to be differing opinions on this picture. Before we turn our attention to that recently revealed encounter, we will go to the appearance of strange lights over West Virginia in mid-February. Tonight I had just made it out the door and glanced up at the sky. The looked on in amazement as a short time later each of the lights came back together and “rejoin as a group”. Star Link satellites. From Kennewick, WA we first saw them April 7th and then the 16th and 17th. It’s pretty amazing. KEPR News posted something out of Portland, OR about the sightings. I get a stiff neck from looking up on the sky so long but it was pretty cool. Don’t call the police if you see it though. On the evening of 4th May, just before 9:30 pm, a local woman noticed a “long, vertical row of lights” in the skies over Gold Bar, Washington. Robert Holdsworth on 1/11/2021 4:24pm. This would appear to be the case here also. Although it wasn’t reported until the third week on February, a sighting that occurred in Wasilla, Alaska appears to show a bright object in the early evening skies. The unidentified objects changed color from orange to white and appeared to move in a purposeful formation. At the time of writing, this would appear to remain the case. What’s more, the object was “classified as unknown”. While we will turn our attention to some of the incidents that have unfolded during August 2021 shortly, as always, we will start with some of the UFO sightings that took place in previous months but that have only just been reported. Although there might be debate as to what the lights were, that they were something strange is beyond doubt. It was very low and close. After watching the object for several moments, it suddenly came to a “complete stop”, remaining still for around five second before starting off again. You can see one of those photographs below. The lights eventually moved up into the cloud and then disappeared from sight. It is not known exactly where the footage was captured or at what altitude. Of course, the description of the incident doesn’t at all sound like Jupiter or any other planet or star. Furthermore, the objects appear to be traveling purposely one over the other. A short time after that, he pulled the vehicle to the side of the road. Only when they watched the footage back a short time later did they notice a dark object seemingly hovering over the water in the distance. According to the witness they were flying from Tacoma to Pearson Field in Vancouver at an altitude of around 3,5000 feet when he noticed a metallic object around 500 feet below his plane and slightly to the left and in front. The lights can be seen hovering over the lake, occasionally moving toward the water. However, once they cease movement, “they don’t support combustion”. Perhaps interestingly, Vicky can be heard saying in the footage that she had told him she “saw something the other day”, indicating that other strange objects have possibly been over the skies of south London in the previous days and weeks. The footage shows the light descending – slowly and seemingly under intelligent control – before it moves in front of the volcano heading toward and then out of view of the camera. The incident was ultimately reported to MUFON with apparent supporting video footage. On the evening of 29th January over the city of Charlotte in North Carolina, local resident Alisa Homewood witnessed several strange lights overhead. with high-speed propulsion”, or he had, indeed, captured “something that is not of this world”. According to MUFON case #118437, a resident of the Washington DC area managed to capture a photograph of a spherical UFO over the capitol in broad daylight. Copyright ©2021 AAS Sky Publishing LLC. MARCO LANGBROEK. However, it certainly worth including here. However, they could see no “form or structure”, suggesting to her that it was not a plane or “any other type of man-made vehicle”. The map also shows the phases of the Moon, and all solar and lunar eclipses. Whether there is a connection between the military helicopters and the later sighting of the apparent blue UFO is perhaps open to debate. At around 2 am in the night in question, a local resident was sat in their car with their partner, watching the sky and highlighting stars. A strange and intriguing video surfaced on YouTube appearing to show a bizarre object in the skies over Colombia. You can see that news clipping below. Reply to Talicia. Veteran UFO researcher, Scott C. Waring, claimed that the lights reminded him of the Phoenix Lights incident of 1997, and it is hard to disagree. As with other similar sightings of this nature, many skeptics will argue that this object is nothing more than star-link satellites. While some who have viewed the video state that the object could be something due to atmospheric conditions, others believe that it shows a genuine extraterrestrial craft. You can check out that footage below and see what you think. Updated 12:36, 28 Sep 2021. On the 28th September in St. Augustine, Florida, at a little after 5 pm, a shiny, saucer-shaped object was photographed in the late-afternoon sky and was witnessed a young man and his fiancé. They couldn’t hear any sound coming from the objects, perhaps suggesting that it wasn’t an airplane or other terrestrial aircraft, with the witness estimating that it was traveling at around 40,000 feet and quite possibly traveling at around 1,000 miles per hour. FLEXIBLE SEARCH Make use of the flexible search — quickly find space objects, easily navigate across different objects and events’ types. According to MUFON case number 114560, a truck driver was leaving Roswell when, at around 4:30 am, he noticed a strange object “hovering over the mountains”. It is certainly an intriguing piece of footage, which you can see below. Mark would state to the Daily Mail newspaper that he doesn’t necessarily believe the objects were extraterrestrial, he has dismissed the idea that they could have been airplanes or helicopters. The person captured the apparent anomaly unintentionally as they were taking pictures of the volcano from a distance. By the time they stepped out onto the roof, the figures had disappeared (again, with no obvious way to have done so). However, these have not yet surfaced for viewing. As they were doing so, they realized there was no sound whatsoever coming from the object, and so they dismissed any notion that it was a terrestrial aircraft. The League of Lost Causes wrote the definitive How to identify that light in the sky? guide: Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonComm... When the waning crescent moon rises over the east-northeastern horizon during the wee hours of Friday, Oct. 1, it will be positioned several finger widths above (or 4.5 degrees to the celestial northwest of) the large open star cluster in StarDate: October 29, 2021. He would dismiss the notion that it might be a helicopter due to its height. On the morning of 20th August, at around 6 am in Palmerton in Pennsylvania, a local resident managed to capture a picture of what could be an elongated UFO. Perhaps of more interest, however, was information passed to UFO researcher, Richard Dolan, regarding what was left out of the report made for mass public consumption. It appears the animal was largely unaffected by the object’s presence, leading the witness to conclude that not only did the apparent craft pass by at high speed, but it likely made no sound whatsoever. You can view that footage below, which is most definitely one of the most intriguing pieces of UFO footage of the last few weeks. Was visible about three seconds, then gone. The witness would recall that they “didn’t know what happened (after that) because the next thing we remember is I was standing on my porch looking up at it across the road from my house”. It was as they were attempting to do this that object suddenly “blasted deep into space”. They would check with the control tower, who confirmed that there was “no known traffic in the area”. It is not clear if the orbs are separate entities in their own right, or part of a larger, single craft. We start 2021 very much in the same way we began 2020 – with an apparent expectation of a huge release of information combined with an admission of prior knowledge about the existence of UFOs and alien life. You can see that picture below. Why do objects like stars appear to move across the sky at night? Your email address will not be published. The witness who made the report claimed that not only were the lights extremely bright, but they would “shoot forward” before stopping, moving with “super-fast motion”. They would pass over the top of the witness – “about as high as a hand glider would be” – proving themselves to be a “pale blue” in color and not making a sound. Lukuz spotted the dark black object in the sky that looked like a UFO (Image: YouTube/TradingWithLukuzFX) Read More Related Articles. We will update this article each month with the latest UFO sightings from the previous four weeks as we go through 2021. What isn’t clear is whether the footage shows two objects throughout or whether it shows one object becoming two. A recent MUFON report (MUFON 113398), a local resident managed to capture around 30 seconds of footage of a glowing spherical object moving across the sky. You can view that footage below and make up your own mind. Obama stated that “there’s footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are, we can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory”. 1, Yes, I would like to receive emails from Sky & Telescope. Through the Night Sky is a beautiful book that spans a wide range of subjects, including everything from nocturnal animals or revelers watching fireworks illuminate the night, to celestial objects such as the moon, planets, stars, and ... The first of our only-recently-reported sightings comes from over a decade ago in 2008. The witness explained that from this viewpoint you can “see through the trees that flank the river”. Our latest book, History’s Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters contains over 60 encounters. According to UFO researcher, Scott Waring, the object is approximately “the size of a car” and is around 300 feet from the plane. These orbits have the benefit of total global exposure. You can see a snapshot of the flight data from the incident below. I wonder if a surviving planet could feed its star a stony asteroid wrapped in swaddling clothes and make it regurgitate the swallowed planets. However, despite waiting for several moments for them to emerge from the other side, they didn’t reappear and had seemingly vanished. Might it be possible that this is another case of an unknown underwater object colliding, if only slightly, with a submarine, and a nuclear submarine at that? On the same day as the sighting in California, a TikTok user captured a strange, disc or oval-shaped object flying over the recently collapsed apartment buildings in Miami, Florida. As in previous months of 2021, several of these reports have leaked over into more mainstream pages and platforms, perhaps suggesting that overall interest in UFOs and all things strange and unexplained remains relatively high. Although it wasn’t reported until the middle of January, a strange object was photographed in the skies over Seffner in Florida on the morning of 2nd December. You can see the picture the witness captured below. They went upstairs to the bedroom window which would offer an unobstructed view. How many other objects might be zipping around our skies without anyone noticing them? Unfortunately, there are no pictures or video footage of it, but a particularly intriguing (and detailed) sighting unfolded over Richmond in British Columbia, Canada at around 5:30 pm on 5th October. However, others suggest that it is indeed an alien craft that is either using the cloud or generating it itself to use it as cover. What’s more, there was also an almost identical sighting in nearby Chehalis at around the same time. By Chris Parker from UK on 05 May 2021, 03:57 The witness themselves stated that they noticed the object by change, adding that there was “no sound, (and) not trail”. While it is only rampant speculation by some sections of the online UFO community, many would wonder whether the debris was, in fact, an extraterrestrial object. Some believed it was nothing more than a helium balloon, while others thought there was something a little more to the strange object than that, not least because of the rapid movements and even a change of color. And, of more importance, managed to capture over a minute of footage of the strange aerial vehicles. On the evening of 13th September over Milton Keynes in the United Kingdom, at around 10 pm, several people in the Newport Pagnell region witnessed a “large floating red light” in the night sky.
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