The measures focused on three main elements, namely remote on-boarding and simplified due diligence, continued vigilance to COVID-19 related financial crime risks, and ongoing outreach and advice. Training Contract/Vacation Schemes . Activities and Societies: Law Association HKUSU - Internal Vice-Chairman; Lee Shau Kee Hall - Floor Representative; Lee Shau Kee Hall Drama Team - Image Team Team Captain. The HKMA published a circular reminding Authorized Institutions (AI) of some important investor protection measures in light of the current volatility in the markets. Banks may contact the Monetary Operations Division of the HKMA at 2878 8104 or at if they have any questions about the operation of the Facility. London; 1st year trainee: £44,000 2nd year trainee: £49,000 Qualification: £82,500 . From 6 May 2020, the HKMA will conduct a competitive tender every week (normally on Wednesday) for licensed banks to submit bids for US dollar liquidity. NQ pay . HKMA stresses that AIs should continue to be accommodative and actively explore alternative repayment arrangement with the borrowers, such as partial principal repayment over a longer period of time as favoured by some sectors. The Government has issued a letter of comfort to HKMA confirming its commitment under the PLGS. Vacation Scheme Student Mayer Brown Jul 2021 - Jul 2021 1 month. The SFC also reminded LCs to put in place other measures for enhancing operational capabilities and monitoring mechanisms for remote office activities, such as: The SFC published an announcement summarizing the measures it had taken actively in response to the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Hong Kong's capital markets. The circular was prompted by a recent incident where the sole market maker of an ETF temporarily suspended its market making functions for the ETF as some of its traders were under mandatory quarantine due to the COVID-19 outbreak. HKMA issued a Circular dated 10 March 2021 on the following: (a) FATF pause in its review process for strategic deficiencies in AML/CFT regimes. RCHK Please refer to Appendix I (updated as of 21 June 2021) for the corresponding conditions or requirements. The Hong Kong Court of First Instance recently granted a rare interlocutory (temporary) injunction enforcing a non-compete covenant against a former employee. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. The HKMA and the banking sector join forces to help Hong Kong’s economy overcome the outbreak of COVID-19. Since the 1 June 2021 Circular, the COVID-19 vaccination rate of designated staff has increased steadily. This edited book focuses on affordances and limitations of e-books for early language and literacy, features and design of e-books for early language and literacy, print versus e-books in early language and literacy development, and uses of ... Ken Jin Kuek. The Facility was launched to provide licensed banks with more US dollar liquidity to meet their US dollar funding needs. To accept Functional Cookies, Analytics Cookies and Advertising Cookies click "Accept All".Alternatively, you can reject these cookies by clicking the "Necessary Cookies Only" button, or you can manage your preferences by clicking the "Manage Choices" button. The update highlights developments since FATF’s previous reports and provide details on how criminals continue to attempt to exploit the global financial systems, with case studies (including some provided by Hong Kong), and illustrate how the risks have evolved along with the COVID-19 pandemic. The IA will consider the circumstances and impact of the outbreak on each individual broker in assessing the application. Similar to the Scheme extension in November 2020, banks will not issue individual notifications to eligible customers regarding the deferment arrangement. 599E (“Exemption Scheme”). Interviews for Top Jobs at Mayer Brown. Please also see the HKMA’s announcement dated 2 September 2020 here. IMPORTANT! Our Hong Kong office recruits trainee solicitors two years in advance. The HKMA and the Banking Sector SME Lending Coordination Mechanism (“Mechanism”) has decided to further extend the Scheme by six months to end-April 2022. Mayer Brown is uniquely positioned to advise financial institutions and other affected market participants on how to navigate this complex problem. We will screen applications and shortlist those individuals who best meet our requirements. 1 : COVID-19 Vaccination Programme : The HKMA issued a circular dated 28 October 2021 requiring AIs to strongly encourage ALL staff to get vaccinated as soon as practicable. Details of the individual Mayer Brown Practices and Mayer Brown Consultancies can be found in the Legal Notices section of our website. 217 Kim & Company, Solicitors jobs available on Key points concerning the antibody tests and other updates to the Exemption Scheme: (a) Returning executives who have stayed in high or medium risk places specified in Group B or Group C under Cap. Phase 2 of the temporary facilitative measures to tackle the outbreak of COVID-19. The HKMA published a circular informing locally incorporated authorized institutions (AI) of its decision to lower the regulatory reserve (RR) requirement on locally incorporated AIs by 50% with immediate effect. FATF member delegates discussed and reviewed various strategic initiatives and country-specific processes. The HKMA’s decision was intended to provide additional operational capacity for banks to respond to the challenges brought by the COVID-19 outbreak and to continue to support their customers. This modified approach is intended to provide a sufficient buffer for authorized insurers and licensed insurance intermediaries to update their documentation, controls and processes. The PLGS provides a supplementary financing option for individuals suffering from cessation of main recurrent incomes from employment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Jones Day was the first U.S. law firm licensed to practice Hong Kong law (1996), and our Hong Kong Office has enabled clients to complete landmark transactions in these and other significant business matters for more than 30 years. The SFC published a Circular on 28 October 2021 reminding licensed corporations of its circular dated 1 June 2021. Training Contract/Vacation Schemes . 3. Morning walk - Hong Kong style. These changes will take effect from 20 August 2020 and will apply to all transactions where the provisional sale and purchase agreement is signed on or after that date. Graduates can apply at any time. The operational parameters of the temporary US Dollar Liquidity Facility will remain unchanged. Average Interview. The relevant Guidelines are: The Guidelines have already commenced on 23 September 2019 with a transitional period that runs until 22 September 2020, except GL 31 which is to commence from 23 September 2020. Participating AIs will handle each eligible customer’s case on a "pre-approved" basis, and may request customers (especially those who have been granted multiple extensions of payment holidays) to provide up-to-date business and financial information to better understand their needs when processing their cases. Apply to Solicitor, Traineeship, Summer Vacation Scheme 2022 (hong Kong) and more! Enabling power: European Communities Act 1972, s. 2 (2). Free interview details posted anonymously by Mayer Brown interview candidates. Managed by the Markets provides a guide to how we got here and unpacks the consequences of linking the well-being of society too closely to financial markets. The relevant measures are: The IA published a circular regarding the implementation of certain Guidelines in light of COVID-19. The above circular has been covered in item 4 below. The HKMA may revise any of the parameters of the Facility at any time as necessary, taking into account market conditions, use of the Facility and other relevant factors. Interested corporate customers may contact their banks, which in turn will handle repayment deferment requests on a “pre-approved” basis. You will have the opportunity to attend a number of seminars and workshops, including presentations from each of the Hong Kong . Vacation Scheme and First Year Insight Scheme. . Principal payments of all loans of eligible corporate borrowers falling due between 1 November 2021 and 30 April 2022 should be deferred by six months (except for repayments of trade loans, which should be deferred by 90 days). From 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022, the exchange of IM by an LC is required in a one-year period where both the LC and the covered entity have an average aggregate notional amount (AANA) of non-centrally cleared OTC derivatives exceeding HK$375 billion on a group basis. Customer due diligence under social distancing and travel restrictions, The HKMA noted that social distancing and a significant reduction in travel have significantly impacted the ability of AIs to interact with existing and potential customers. The SEHK will then provide further guidance in conjunction with the SFC. These include reprioritising work on the basis of ML/TF risks, reallocation of staff, staggering office hours and equipping staff with work-from-home capabilities. The HKMA and the Mechanism are planning for an orderly exit of the Scheme. c. the post-arrival test on the seventh day will be advanced to the fifth day in Hong Kong. READ ME FIRST. In addition, the Law Society of Hong Kong issued AML Guidelines for lawyers in Hong Kong under its Practice Direction P, Hong Kong Solicitor's Guide to Professional Conduct on 3 December 2007, effective from 1 July 2008. A meaningful career balances engaging work inside the office with a fulfilling life outside of it. Extension of Phase 2 of the Temporary Facilitative Measures to 31 December 2020. The enhancement measures were included in the second round of the Anti-epidemic Fund announced by the Hong Kong Government in April 2020. As covered in a previous circular (please see “Remarks”), the HKMA and the Banking Sector SME Lending Coordination Mechanism had put in place the Pre-approved Principal Payment Holiday Scheme for its authorised institution participants (AI) to alleviate cash flow difficulties faced by small and medium size corporations. The HKMA also suggested AIs should adopt a sympathetic stance in dealing with customers facing financial stress, and communicate their policies to relevant staff to ensure consistent treatment of customers. Extension of Phase 2 of the Temporary Facilitative Measures to 31 March 2021, Financial Services Regulatory & Enforcement, Circular to licensed corporations – Reminder of business continuity planning in view of COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, Circular to intermediaries – Operational resilience and remote working, Circular to licensed corporations - Further updates to the Exemption Scheme, Circular to licensed corporations – Updates to the Exemption Scheme, Circular to licensed corporations – Business continuity planning in view of COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, Circular to licensed corporations – Exemption for senior executives of licensed corporations from compulsory quarantine arrangements, Circular to licensed corporations – Margin requirements for non-centrally cleared OTC derivative transactions, Circular to issuers of SFC-authorized paper gold schemes, Circular to management companies and market makers of SFC-authorized exchange traded funds – ETF market making, Repayment of Trade Facilities Deferred by the Banking Sector for Another 90-day Period, FATF statements on “High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action” and “Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring”, Extension of Pre-approved Principal Payment Holiday Scheme for another 6 months, An Update on COVID-19 and Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing risks, Extension of Principal Moratorium for 80% and 90% Guarantee Products.
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