They have, however, sought to provide guidance for investors and governments that can avoid or mitigate such conflict. It is one of the oldest branches of international law and one of enduring relevance today. The Oxford Guide to International Humanitarian Law provides a practical yet sophisticated overview of this important area of law. In public statements and at meetings throughout the West, ranchers and politicians decried the effort as a giveaway to environmentalists by out-of-touch federal bureaucrats. When we feel we're being ignored or steamrolled, we often try to capture the other party's attention by making a threat, such as saying we'll take a dispute to court or try to ruin the other party's business reputation. In addition to presenting the LGAF tool, this book includes detailed case studies on its implementation in five selected countries: Peru, the Kyrgyz Republic, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Tanzania. Disputes over land and resources are an important source of deadly conflict. Industrial facilities are being converted to residential use, and the Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles believes that this trend will cause a loss of job opportunities for unskilled workers. A “land dispute” involves conflicting claims to rights in land by two or more parties, focused on a particular piece of land, which can be addressed within the existing legal framework. The limited scope of defeasible fees makes them of limited value. Early on, environmentalists spurred the passage of the 1971 Wild Horse and Burro Act, 16 U.S.C.A. The Supreme Court agreed that he was entitled to compensation because this was a regulatory taking. Conflict types are not mutually exclusive. Land grabbing by investors or high-rankofficials More than 60 western counties asserted legal authority over federal lands within their borders. This book offers numerous practical insights and raises key questions for research on conflict resolution in a transforming world system. Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) occurs when animals pose a direct and recurring threat to the livelihood or safety of people, leading to the persecution of that species. 471, 676 A.2d 270 (1996), the Pennsylvania Superior Court ruled that a landscaping supply business that produced dust, loud noises, and unpleasant smells in an area that contained homes as well as businesses was not a private nuisance. This definition deserves some further clarification. The process of displacement and return due to violence (or the threat of violence) can be cyclical and often results in multiple claims to the same parcel of land. An example of this practice is the decision by the federal government in 2002 to set aside Yucca Mountain in Nevada for storing the nation's nuclear waste. These necessities push action on land matters further down a crowded agenda. Ending or reforming such programs can provide a relatively quick “win” in reducing potentials for violent conflict. It suggests that Regional planning has become attractive to urban areas that cross state lines. To address land-related conflict, it is essential to correctly identify the roles played by land in the conflict. If the government needs the land, it must compensate the owner. Instead of dealing with two or three competing and conflicting local plans, neighboring municipalities can refer to a regional plan that offers one comprehensive vision and one set of regulations. Others have promulgated more broadly applicable but voluntary standards. They are similar in effect to equitable servitudes, but restrictive covenants run with the land because the restrictions are contained in the deed. Land Use Conflict in the Amazon Rainforest. A municipality has a legitimate interest in ensuring that residential development proceeds in an orderly and planned manner and that the burdens on municipal services do not increase faster than the ability of services to expand. The conflict is usually not about ethnic differences themselves but over political, economic, social, cultural, or territorial matters. The conflict was discussed in the idiom of invasion. Retaliation against the species blamed often ensues, leading to conflict about what should be done to remedy the situation. Chapter 1 describes the nature and character of conflict and their implications for land forces. Chapter 2 summarises the national context and higher level conceptual frameworks, common across NATO, which aid understanding of the land force contribution to operations. The dispute centered on an 1872 law that allowed mining companies to snap up federal land at $2.50 to $5.00 an acre (the Mining Act of 1872 [30 U.S.C.A. As farmers often work at night-time or early in the morning, residents complain that the noise is disturbing their sleep. Mona Ayoub gives an account of the politicisation of land conflicts from the colonial era to the present, with particular attention on . Land conflicts can be persistent, and this suggests caution in talking about conflict “resolution.” Particular disputes over specific lands, which may be expressions of a larger conflict, can be resolved, and this can ease tensions. Waste comes in four forms: voluntary, permissive, ameliorating, and equitable. 1 Types and sub-types of land conflicts 15 Tab. BOX A. Tribal Land means all lands within the exterior boundaries of any land formally designated by the federal government as a Tribal reservation or land set apart by the federal . Public Lands and Political Meaning: Ranchers, the Government, and the Property Between Them. Ethnic conflict, a form of conflict in which the objectives of at least one party are defined in ethnic terms, and the conflict, its antecedents, and possible solutions are perceived along ethnic lines. Eminent domain may be exercised by numerous local government bodies, including drainage, levee, or flood control agencies; highway or road authorities; and housing authorities. Washington, D.C.: Island. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown Univ. A state of disagreement or disharmony between persons or ideas; a clash: a conflict. International development agencies and other concerned actors, including producer associations, are seeking to mitigate these potentials for conflict. Statutes in many states precisely define what constitutes a public nuisance. For example, car repairing workshops and cargo container storages located near the residential suburbs can trigger land-use conflicts by raising the risk of fire and polluting the nearby environment. For example, it is common in business leases for a business owner to have a buyout clause after a certain number of years of operation. For example, oil from the car repairing workshops can cause water pollution. Behavioural Change 9. While fighting the rangeland reform battle, western lawmakers had also grappled with the administration over the issue of mining rights. More significantly, the court found that none of the complaining parties had suffered any significant harm. Under such restrictions homeowners have been threatened with fines for stringing Christmas lights, taken to court because their dog was too heavy, and prohibited from throwing a Frisbee. Purchasers are bound by these restrictions whether or not they read or understood them. incidence of land conflict is the failure of the prevailing land tenure systems to respond to the challenges posed by appreciation of the value of land in a way that would enhance effective tenure security, thus property rights are deficient. Public and private lands frequently represent very different uses. Six meaningful types of land-use conflicts are identified. PHRASES an area/a source of conflict, in direct conflict with sb . systems. A successful action for waste usually results in the awarding of money damages, but courts sometimes issue an Injunction. Parochial partisanship and a lack of clear understanding of the individual components of military power or of their collective interrelationships have spawned debates over the future force structures of the U.S. Armed Forces. In the new century, one of the biggest land-use battles in the West has been over the proposed use of Yucca Mountain in Nevada as the storage site for the nation's nuclear waste. Post-conflict countries often grapple with unresolved and continuing tensions over land. Conflict that is profitable is far less easily settled than conflict starved of resources. This claim was largely symbolic in that it excluded federal land such as parks, forests, and wildlife refuges. However, land boundaries were not agreed with the neighboring villages prior to the implementation of Social Forestry. The definition of non-international armed conflict according to the Geneva convention common article 3 is basically that, the situation has to be within the territory of a high contracting party/state and assumes that an armed conflict exists when the situation reaches a certain level that distinguishes it from other forms of violence such as . In the early days after the violence ends, assistance by humanitarian agencies tends to focus on urgent needs for food and shelter. Decisions to set aside undeveloped or rural land for governmental use causes controversy as well. Municipal land-use regulation begins with a planning process that ultimately results in a comprehensive or master plan followed by ordinances. Challenging the administration in Congress and fighting the federal government in court, a broad coalition of western governors, lawmakers, and business interests sought autonomy and relief from outside regulation. If these mechanisms are working well, conflict is unlikely, but markets are often constrained by regulatory and administrative barriers or by information problems, and politicians often thwart good land governance. These private sector standards, while stressing principles of responsible investment, tend not to specifically address land matters. The case of Chotiari water reservoir from Pakistan Habibullah Magsi To cite this version: Habibullah Magsi. Meanwhile, a more radical element in the western conflict had appeared. Georg Simmel (1955) writes: 'There probably exists no social unit in which convergent and divergent currents among its members are not inseparably interwoven. But this requires that customary and statutory tenure be guaranteed the same protections under law and that it be clear what land falls under each system. Nye County became a focal point of the new movement. Nor is it just the urban land-use that causes tension between the government and landowners., Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Solid Wastes, Hazardous Substances, and Toxic Pollutants, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Land-Ocean Interactions in the Russian Arctic, Land-Surface-Atmosphere-Vegetation Interaction Programme, Land-Use Effects on Amphibian Populations, Land-Warfare Systems Vulnerability Program. They may stem from land grabs, boundary disputes, displacement as a result of man-made or natural disasters, government resettlement policies, climate change or other factors. Land use conflicts in developing countries: framing conflict resolution and preven- Beginning in the 1990s, a number of controversial clashes over federal authority have concerned the use of federally owned land. Most of them draw on the experience of people grappling with the problems of past violence and injustice. There is no "right answer" to the challenge of reconciliation, and so the Handbook prescribes no single approach. Weak governance leads to weak tenure systems, often depriving individuals and communities of essential rights and access to land and other natural assets and contributing to poor land and resource management practices, which further degrades the limited resource base. Land, water, forests and livestock as well as marine life are primary sources of income for a good part of the population of developing countries. Learn to Listen Emphatically to Others 10. Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Law. For example, if a district is zoned for industrial use, residential buildings are not normally permitted there. In a post-crisis context, this sort of competition can lead to new rounds of violence and/or environmental destruction, exacerbating and spreading the initial crisis. Through detailed studies of land conflicts in the Santa Bárbara district, the ambiguities of the legal framework, and practices in the court of justice, this book explores the question: What is it about law and norms that enables them to ... [1], There are a number of possible methods to ease, avoid or eradicate land-use conflicts. International investor and producer associations have also enunciated principles regarding responsible investment, but these tend to not deal specifically with land issues (see Box D). This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Examples include legal reforms that create more robust property rights (for example, reforms that recognizing previously unrecognized customary land rights or programs that regularize informal settlements and community land demarcation and registration). With this small proviso, Coser's definition of social conflict conveys its meaning very well (1967:232): "social conflict [is] a struggle over values or claims to status, power, and scarce resources, in which the aims of the conflict groups are not only to gain the desired values, . Ownership conflict due to lack of CCRO's. Conflict due to multiple sale/allocation. 1996. Nuisances may occur in rural as well as urban areas, but they become more obvious when the area is well established as residential in nature. The proposals drew praise from environmentalists. President Clinton originally wanted to make higher grazing fees part of his first budget, but western lawmakers protested. State and local preservation laws have been bolstered by the federal National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C.A. Found inside – Page 14The approach by the colonial administrations, linking boundary definition with land use, left inconsistencies ... on the human and physical landscape ambiguities that continue to cause conflict and confusion across the continent. A common feature of all planned communities is a homeowner association, which oversees the maintenance and administration of the real estate, especially the common areas shared by all owners. A common type of easement in current use is the affirmative grant to a telephone company to run its line across the property of a private landowner. Restrictive covenants are typically used by land developers to establish minimum house sizes, setback lines, and aesthetic requirements thought to enhance the neighborhood. For example, an easement might preclude someone from building on a parcel of land, which leaves the property open and thereby preserves a park for the public as a whole. Environmental Land Use Planning and Management. The plan is to build a nuclear waste repository facility 1,000 feet below the mountain. The master plan takes into account the location and type of activities occurring on the land and the design and type of physical structures and facilities serving these activities. Conflict analysis can be carried out at various levels (eg Land is a limited and multipurpose resource, and most countries depend upon some combination of markets and regulatory frameworks to mediate that competition. They hailed the administration for trying to bring needed protection to western ecological systems and for trying to cut what they argue is a federal subsidy to ranchers. land use conflict. Between 1991 and 1995, nearly 60 western counties asserted in ordinances that they—not the federal government—had control over federal lands. It favored raising the grazing fees charged to cattle ranchers from $1.86 to $4.28 per animal unit month (AUM) (the amount of forage needed to feed one animal for a month) in order to bring the fees closer to the average $8.00 to $15.00 per AUM charged on private land. Human-Wildlife Conflict. In Liberia, an independent National Land Commission established under the Constitution by the legislature is developing both interim measures and long- term programs. Found inside – Page 2At the same time, there are few detailed studies of conflicts relating to land rather than general conflicts or efforts ... and demand for land can set in motion a virtuous cycle of increasingly precise definition of property rights, ...
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