For example, the transformers in your microwave Oven is a secondary transformer that is used to supply around 2200Volts to the vacuum tube in the Microwave Oven. Step 3) This is an optional step. Hello Jason, I tested my first Bahdanau attention model on Machine Language Translation problem. Applications and extensions to the attention mechanism. 12V output of stepdown transformer is an RMS value and its peak value is given by the product of square root of two with RMS value, which is approximately 17V. So the step-down transformer reduces the voltage from primary winding to secondary winding. In the encoder-decoder model, the input would be encoded as a single fixed-length vector. Analysis in the paper of global and local attention with different annotation scoring functions suggests that local attention provides better results on the translation task. I 2 = Secondary Current. Step-up and step-down transformers illustrate the basic principles of electromagnetic induction and voltage changes. It procures its electrical materials supplies from top-notch companies across the globe. How to implement the attention mechanism step-by-step. The first two digits ‘78’ of IC7805 voltage regulator represent positive series voltage regulators and the last two digits ‘05’ represents the output voltage of the voltage regulator. K<1, then the transformer is called step-down transformer (V2