Combining Prayers Salamu-Alykum and . Suffers Great Difficulty in Falling Asleep and Waking Up, Combining Prayers Due to Ritual Purity Issues. All these concepts and others are just applications of the Islamic principles. This book presents the necessary advice about building up such a home. This can be summarized in the following points: 1) Muslims there can combine `Isha with Maghrib, 2) they can set some time between Maghrib and Fajr to pray `Isha, which is better, 3) if there is any hardship, they can combine the two Prayers, because combining them for one who is resident was permitted by some scholars. The excuses that permit combining the prayers for a resident are rain and illness. It is raining when the first prayer begins and it ends, and when the 2nd prayer begins. The novel's protagonist is a British Roman Catholic priest, Father Percy Franklin, who looks identical to the mysterious U.S. Senator Julian Felsenburgh of Vermont. Alhamdulillah, praise and thanks to Allah for the many countless blessings He has blessed us all with. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. Copyright © IslamWeb 2021. Until now, books addressing Halal issues have focused on helping Muslim consumers decide what to eat and what to avoid among products currently on the marketplace. The woman may not lead the man in prayer. Found inside – Page 53... stressed that a tradition in the name of the Prophet allowed the combining prayers to avoid placing hardship ... Both scholars established the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR).6Al-Qaradawi now serves as its president. Question. All of these matters are only allowed when there is a need to do so, unlike shortening the prayer, for this is a sunnah for all travelers. The basic principle in case of residence is to perform each prayer on its due time, unless there is a Sharee‘ah-approved excuse that permits combining the prayers. Thus, the issue is broad. In some mosques they combine Maghrib and `Isha, and in some others they . Commuting to and Back from Work Daily: Can He Shorten Prayers? The majority of scholars (al-jumhoor) comprising the Maliki's and the Shafiei's and the Hanbali's have taken the opinion that the recognized distance for one who has undertaken its travel in shortening the prayer is four burud (an antiquated unit of distance), which is two average day's travel by heavily-loaded camels (equivalent to 88.7 km in distance). We say: Hardship is when one is affected by standing or sitting when he separates the two prayers, or that it is difficult for him to perform ablution for each prayer... there are different kinds of hardship. Final Statement . I am glad to say that the Arabic Edition has now been published few times. This is indicative of the need for books of jurisprudence, which is a quite technical subject, in a form of language that is down to earth. Al-Qaadhi said, 'It is more appropriate to understand it this way rather than interpreting it without an excuse; or by saying that the ruling is abrogated, as it is interpreted according to a benefit.'". My previous fatwa on the issue of prayer times for 'Ishā and Fajr during summer is in accordance with the decree of the Islamic Fiqh Council. Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee. The 23 rd Ordinary Session of. For example, Maghrib Prayer is at 21:50 while `Isha' Prayer is at 1:00 am. fatigue or tiredness, regardless of the kind of disease he has, whether it be a headache, back pain, abdominal pain, pain in his skin, or otherwise; the evidence about this is the following: 1- The general saying of Allah (which means): {Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship.} Do not combine the Thuhr and ‘Asr prayers before starting your journey, because you are still a resident. In addition to that, estimating for Isha prayer brings nothing but hardship to people. Heavy rains was a reason to combine prayers during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad as indicated by the statement of Ibn Abbas, "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) combined Dhuhr and Asr together and Maghrib and `Isha' together in Medina without being in a state of danger or rainfall." [Muslim]. Answered by Shaykh Abdurragmaan Khan Question: Assalam alaykum, Can we combine the Friday and Asr prayers when travelling? He replied, 'He intended not to cause any hardship for his nation;' meaning not to cause any hardship for the nation by not combining the prayers. The Masjid is far. Commentary and reflections on the first portion of the supplication recited daily during the month of Ramadhan that begins with "Allahumma adkhil `alaa ahli-l-quboor as-suroor" (O Allah, give happiness to the people of the grave). When a man knows his ownself, speech of the people is of no benefit to him! But in the summer, `Isha Prayer is so late and this causes a great problem. Rather, combining is associated with a need." So whenever the person needs to combine whether he is traveling or not, then let him combine. She should pray Maghrib, 3 raka`hs, first, and then pray `Ishaa', four raka`ah. Dar al-Ifta al Misriyyah is considered among the pioneering foundations for fatwa in the Islamic world.It has been the premier institute to represent Islam and the international flagship for Islamic legal research. Offering funeral prayer after Asr Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu Shaykh may Allah reward you for your previous answers Shaykh in our country Bangladesh people pray the funeral prayer after the Asr prayer As far as I know there are no prayers after the Asr prayer Is that funeral prayer valid May Allah reward you All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds I testify . Is it allowed to join between prayers due to Coronavirus pandemic? Is this action of theirs correct? Thank you for your question .Shortening the prayers, in which there are four rak'ahs, is a Sunnah when travelling, but if you are praying in congregation and the imam offers the prayer in full, then you should offer the prayer in full behind him.With regard to joining between prayers, (joining Dhuhr with 'Asr, and joining . This implies that combining prayers during rainfalls was a known practice. Hence, if a person combines the Thuhr and ‘Asr, for instance, at the time of the Thuhr without an excuse, then his ‘Asr prayer is invalid because it was performed before its prescribed time, so he must make up for it. Subject: Incessancy is a Condition for Combining two Prayers Fatwa Number: 1873 Date: 21-06-2011 Classified: Shortening and Combining of Prayers Fatwa Type: Search Fatawaa Question: While combining prayers, is it permissible for a person to leave the Masjid to run an errand, after performing Duhr(Noon) for instance, and return afterwards to catch the second Rakah of Asr(Afternoon) prayer? However, if performing each prayer on its due time entails hardship, then we hope that you are permitted to take advantage of the concession of combining the prayers in this case according to the opinion of some scholars, as mentioned above. Question of Fatwa Dear scholars, As-Salaam `Alaykum! b) What is the most accurate way to count the number of days that a person is on journey? Fatwa, Prayer [صلاة], Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh 23 January 2018. It should be noted that it is not permissible to shorten the prayers in this case, because shortening the prayers is exclusively permitted during travel. In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful In general, one should strive one's hardest to pray on time. Copyright © IslamWeb 2021. However, some scholars held that it is allowable for a resident to combine the prayers, even in the absence of illness and rain, when something happens that makes it hard to perform each prayer on its due time. Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee. From this, we conclude that whenever a Mukallaf (a person who is competent for religious assignments) faces hardship by not combining the prayers, it becomes permissible for him to combine them. Make firm the Qur.aan in our hearts, From the Mercy of Allaah upon His worshipers, The Hanafees are extremely angry with Abu Hurayrah, ‘Aashooraa 1443 – Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia, ‘Eed al-Adhaa 1442 – Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia, ‘Eed al-Fitr 1442 – Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia, The Prophet’s Prayer Described – صفة صلاة النبي, Hisnul-Muslim – Fortification of The Muslim, Virtues of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, Madeenah University: Lessons in Arabic Language – Book 4, Madeenah University: Lessons in Arabic Language – Book 3, Madeenah University: Lessons in Arabic Language – Book 2, Madeenah University: 2-year Arabic language syllabus, Madeenah University: Lessons in Arabic Language – Book 1, متن كتاب التوحيد الذي هو حق الله على العبيد, الشيخ الحميّن – الدرة البهية نظم الآجرومية لشرف الدين يحيى الأمريطي, Soorah al-Faatihah – Muhammad al-Muhaysinee, Soorah al-Faatihah – ‘Abdul-Muhsin ‘Abdul-Mubdee. Shaykul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah [ra] Shaykh. A Resident Combining Two Prayers due to Study Permanent Committee If the Resident prays behind the Traveller Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz Combining the Prayers when Travelling Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz The Distance which must be travelled in order to shorten the Prayers Permanent Committee Held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina During the period. Shaykh Ahmad bin Yahyaa an-Najmee. There are many hadith which describe combining two prayers. It is for this reason that the author said, 'And for a sick person who faces hardship by not combining the prayers.'. Suffers Great Difficulty in Falling Asleep and Waking Up, Combining Prayers Due to Ritual Purity Issues. Therefore, it becomes clear from the above that combining the prayers is permissible if there is a sound excuse, but it is not permissible if there is no sound excuse. All rights reserved. Fatwa, Prayer [صلاة], . Scholars who agreed with this position include Ibn Sirin, the Maliki jurist Asshab, the Shafii jurist Ibn al-Mundhir, and Also This Is the view of Our Scholars. Question: Why don't Hanafis combine prayers, when there are authentic hadiths about it? Ibn Naqib Al-Masri stipulates the following conditions for the validity of Jama ' (combining prayers) at the time of rain: The rain is strong enough to wet one's garment. Found inside – Page 186During the sermon, the imam, using the words of the Prophet to support what he was saying, recommended that the worshippers should not combine their prayers, and wherever possible should say each prayer at the mosque. In our view, you may perform "Jam' Soori" (i.e. Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated, "The Prophet observed seven Rak‘ahs (units of prayer) and eight Rak‘ahs in Madeenah (i.e. It fulfills its historic and civil role by keeping contemporary Muslim in touch with religious principles, clarifying the right way, removing doubts concerning religious and worldly . 16 th - 19 th of Sha'ban 1434 HJ. To proceed: The issue of combining prayers is a matter that is differed upon amongst the scholars. Al-Khattaabi also reported this view from a group of Hadeeth scholars of the early generations.” [End of Quote]. A Fatwa on the Islamic rule regarding combining the two prayers when the night prayer (Isha) approaches midnight; or its time does not exist for three months in the summer every year in this country as there is no time span between dusk and dawn. It is understood from the statement of the author that if he does not face any hardship, it is not permissible for him to combine the prayers, and this is the understood meaning. Question of Fatwa . The European Council for Research and Fatwa endorses Resolution 6 of the ninth session of the Islamic Fiqh Council held on 121-19 Rajab 1406 AH, which states that this question is open to scholarly discretion, as it is not ruled by a definitive religious statement. The Narrations on Joining Prayers While Resident. As for a woman, it is permissible for her to attend the mosque provided that she abides by the Islamic conditions, but her prayer in her home is better than her prayer in the mosque. b) What is the most accurate way to count the number of days that a person is on journey? Assalaamu alaykum. This view contradicts the Mashhur position in the Maliki school. Praying when needing to relieve oneself. You can search for fatwa through many choices. The European Council for Fatwa and Research considers it permissible to combine the Maghreb and `Isha' prayers because `Isha' falls very late at night or because its mark disappears for a period during the summer. Is it permissible to combine Duhr (Noon prayer) and Asr (Afternoon prayer) due to rain? 21 January 2018. Your question included several issues, and we will answer them as follows: 1- The scholars differed concerning the obligation of praying in congregation in the mosque for a man. He, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, intended to make things easier for them.” [End of Quote], Ibn Hajar said in Fat-h Al-Baari: “A group of scholars held that the apparent indication (i.e. The evidence about this is the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, who related that the Prophet combined the prayers without any fear or rain in Madeenah. This is evidenced by the Hadeeth narrated on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas as he said: “The Messenger of Allah combined the Thuhr and ‘Asr prayers and combined the Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’ prayers in Madeenah, without being in a state of fear, nor due to rain.” Ibn ‘Abbaas was asked: “What did he intend by that action?” He replied: “He did not want to inconvenience his Ummah (Islamic community).” [Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Daawood, and At-Tirmithi], The author of Tuhfat Al-Ahwathi said: “It means that he did so to spare his nation any hardship or burden. 3.Combine & shorten after arriving at destination after concluding the journey. Subject: Presence of Congregation upon Starting the Second Prayer is amongst the Conditions for Valid Combination Fatwa Number: 1309 Date: 22-05-2011 Classified: Shortening and Combining of Prayers Fatwa Type: Search Fatawaa Question: A man arrived late for Maghrib prayer. Note that this is contrary to what most travelers do: they assume that combining the prayers takes the same ruling as shortening does and regularly combine for the entire duration of the travel. Even so, I have heard that we must do it in a congregation and in a mosque unless we are travelling. #HUDATVHuda TV . This may . Praise be to ALLAH the Lord of the worlds and I bear witness that there is no God but ALLAH, the However, the text of this English Risalah has been taken directly from his official website and edited for better understanding of the common English speaking people. 2. Analysis of Ashhab's Opinion on Combining Prayers. According to Scholars it is permissible to combine prayers if there is Any hardship, But one does not do so habitually or with out any reason. If someone says: What is an example of hardship? Combining prayers without traveling Assalaamu alaykum I know that we are not allowed to join prayers without travelling unless there is a need and if it is not done as a habit Even so I have heard that we must do it in a congregation and in a mosque unless we are travelling Otherwise it is not allowed The reason is that the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam never joined prayers without . Combining the Prayers when Travelling : Question: Some people, if they for example, from Riyadh to Al-Kharj, that is, approximately eighty kilometres, combine the prayers while they are on the road. IslamOnline fatwa (which quotes a Saudi fatwa) (Arabic PDF) Qatari fatwa (Arabic PDF) UAE fatwa (Arabic PDF) Part Seven: More on Combining Prayers. [This means that he prayed each prayer at its prescribed time]. Reference:حكم-جمع-الصلاتين-بعد-الإجهاض-بسبب-الشعور-بآلام-شديدة. [Quran 22:78], 2- The hadeeth by Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, who narrated that 'the Prophet combined the Thuhr and ‘Asr prayers, and the Maghrib and 'Isha' prayers, in Madeenah without any fear or rain.' This is a treatise we have written concerning humility (Khushu) and the hearts meakness and breaking (inkisar) before the Lord. Dear scholars, As-Salaam `Alaykum! In the case you mentioned, your wife may combine Maghrib with `Isha' in the time of the Maghrib. "Discusses the fundamental assumptions regarding the foundations of Pakistani nationalism as well as our current understanding of the roots of its postcolonial identity crisis"-- Shortening the prayers is a confirmed Sunnah for all travellers, whereas joining the prayers is permissible but is not Sunnah, but it may be Sunnah and mustahabb if there is some difficulty involved in not doing it. Answer: Wa alaykum al-Salam Shukran for your question. Jazakallahu khairan. Indeed, `Isha' may only fall due near midnight. All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. Fatwa No: 88559. The Permanent Committee for Research and Fatwa in Saudi Arabia states that it is not permissible to delay a prayer beyond its time range except in situations of maximum difficulty or for legitimate reasons such as travel and rain. Should I be performing 4 rakats(or 2 when shortening), salam out English Translation of Majmoo al-Fatawa by The Standing Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, Da'wah and Guidance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Prophet said, "If you…. Answer: In the Name of Allah the Inspirer of truth. View More. Search. Praise be to Allah. This book discusses the common principles of morality and ethics derived from divinely endowed intuitive reason through the creation of al-fitr' a (nature) and human intellect (al-‘aql). '", Some scholars interpreted this combination of prayers as that the Prophet prayed the Thuhr at its ending time and the ‘Asr at its beginning time, and he prayed the Maghrib prayer at its ending time and the ‘Ishaa’ prayer at its beginning time. The one who takes precedence is the one who the girl is pleased with; Is it permissible to lie to a child of six years of age for his benefit and (also) to discipline him?" . 13th Apr 2020 Can Muslims Join Prayers due to Coronavirus Pandemic? Or are the prayers valid, but it is sinful? Prayers in Arafah: O the da of Arafah, it is better (for the pilgrims) to combine the Zuhr prayer and the Asr prayer at the time of the former [13], but in Muzdalifah, it is better (for the pilgrims) to combine the Maghrib prayer and the Isha prayer at the time of the latter, according to what the Prophet (Peace be upon him) did (in his Hajj)[14] . Tags: combining prayer, combining salah, fatwa salah, fowzan. According to Hanafi scholars, the most suitable explanation is that of jam' al-suri, wherein each prayer is performed in its own time. He is a graduate of the Islaamic University of Madeenah, having graduated from the Institute of Arabic Language, and later the Faculty of Sharee'ah in 2004. Response: If [having to do] wudhoo for each of the obligatory prayers is painful for you, and combining the zhuhr [prayer] with the ‘asr [prayer], and the maghrib [prayer] with the ‘ishaa [prayer] gives you relief from these pains, then there is no harm [in doing so]. For more benefit, please refer to fatwa 99903. Found inside – Page 37Q.66: What happens when you combine all the prayers ofthe week and you pray them all on one day? A: It is the greatest sin not to pray ... Mid-night is the exact half between sunset and sunrise, according to the Fatwa of Agha-e-Khoui. The Hanafis have judged all the narrations on this issue to be based on the method of "apparent combining" (Jam' al-Suri) not "real combining" (Jam' al-Haqiqi). Hadith on Travel: Permission to fast or not on journey, whatever is easiest. Based on the above fatwa, it is allowed to combine Prayers during rain, but we should bear in mind that in our modern age one finds it easy to go to the mosque to offer the Prayers in congregation by car except in extreme weather, or one's house is close to the mosque, so one should offer the Prayers at their fixed times without combining them. However, some scholars issued a Fatwa that it is permissible to combine the prayers in that case if it is difficult to wait for 'Ishaa' prayer, but we do not hold this opinion." (islamweb, #157541) may combine prayers, offering Maghrib and 'Isha prayers together. The scholars who held this opinion included Ibn Seereen, Rabee‘ah, Ash-hab, Ibn Al-Munthir, and Al-Qaffaal Al-Kabeer. A Light in Every homeSUBSCRIBE To our channel : us on our o. This is a translation one of the smaller publications from the works of Shaykh Al-Islam Taqiuddin Ahmad bin 'Abdul-Halim Ibn Taymiyyah. In Sahih Muslim there are about 10 ahadith on combining prayers while a resident (i.e. not travelling, raining, or fear). Fatwa No: 88559. Regarding shortening and combining prayers: a) What is correct number of days that shortening of the prayers is applicable while traveling? Combining the prayers when she returns home from work Employment , Fatwa , Prayer [صلاة] , Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan 30 April 2017 30 April 2017 Abu 'Abdullaah Reference : Sharh 'Umdatil-Fiqh - Tape No.4, Question No.32 The method of performing two obligatory [ fard] prayers in one prayer time is known as jam al-haqiqi or "real combining.". Some legal schools are more restricting in this regard, such as the Hanafis, and others are more flexible, such as the Hanbalis. This book is one of the many Islamic publications distributed by Ahlulbayt Organization throughout the world in different languages with the aim of conveying the message of Islam to the people of the world. For Maghrib and 'Ishā. The second view does not permit combining prayers in such situations.. I have heard that travel, rain, and fear were the only reasons for which we are allowed to join prayers. Abu 'Abdullaah. Hadith on Travel: Permission to fast or not on journey, whatever is easiest. c) Some say that while traveling and shortening prayer it is OK . The English translation of the Risalatul Fiqh (text of Islamic Laws) of Grand Ayatullah Nasir Makarem Shirazi, with a helpful addition of a glossary of Arabic terms appended at the end for the benefit of non-Arabic speakers.This book is one ... Conservatives argued that combining prayers could only be done under very specific circumstances such as travelling and insisted that they were against . Answer: Yes, it is permissible for the traveller to combine the prayers, or to offer them separately at their . --Sylva Frisk is a lecturer in the School of Global Studies at Gothenburg University, Sweden. Rulings of the Prayer. 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Praise be to ALLAH the Lord of the worlds and I bear witness that there is no God but ALLAH, the (Qur'an 107: 4-5) has dwelt at great length in this treatise on the importance of performing one's Saláh carefully and correctly, in accordance with the confirmed practices of the Prophet as narrated in the authentic hadiths. For example, if we assume that the (earliest) estimated time of Isha is 11pm - and the twilight remains until after midnight when it mixes . However, it is permitted, when there is a need, for a Muslim to combine the two daylight prayers, Dhuhr and 'Asr, within either of these two prayer times―and to combine the two nighttime prayers, Maghrib and 'Ishā, if there is a need, within either of these two prayer times. #HUDATVHuda TV . Daqaa'iq Uli An-Nuha fee Sharh Muntaha Al-Iraadaat reads: "Mud causes greater hardship than the cold, so it is more appropriate to combine the prayers in case of the presence of mud than in the case of cold weather. Assalamo alaikum, He [Ibn ‘Abbaas] was asked, 'Why did he do so?' The treatise was written for the people of a community with whom Imam Ahmad had prayed a number of times. The remaining three madhahib, however, all permit joining between prayers (dhur Is this true even for women who join their prayer for a need? Imām Muhammad Ibn Badr Ad-Deen Ibn Balbān Al-Hanbali (d. 1083) stated, "A traveller is permitted to combine the Dhuhr and 'Asr at one time, and then later he can combine Maghrib and 'Ishā at one time." Combining the prayers are allowed: 1. Subject: Ruling on Combining Prayers because of Wind, Mud and Dust Fatwa Number: 3489 Date: 16-04-2019 Classified: Shortening and Combining of Prayers Fatwa Type: Search Fatawaa Question: Is it permissible to combine prayers in the mosque because of heavy dust, mud, and wind, similar to rain, knowing that dust could be more harmful than rain? Combining prayers is permitted. April 13, 2020 0 . Written by an eminent medieval Hanafi scholar, this is a concise yet comprehensive primer in creed and jurisprudence. It spans all five pillars of Islam, as well as the topics of slaughtering, ritual sacrifice, and haunting. There is no other way to explain this by the lack of sickness except with mud. Recent Posts. My question is, how do we know the distance that permits such dispensation? Subject: Combining Duhr and Asr Prayers due to Rain Fatwa Number: 3596 Date: 08-12-2020 Classified: Shortening and Combining of Prayers Fatwa Type: Search Fatawaa Question: . c) Some say that while traveling and shortening prayer it is . The scholars said: If there was no fear nor rain, while he was in Madeenah, then he was not travelling as well, and there is nothing left except illness, and there might be another reason than illness, but Ibn ‘Abbaas was asked, 'Why did he do so?' However, a Muslim who combines Prayers should not make this as a custom or a habit by regularly combining Prayers. Each mosque applies this in its own way. Fatwa fight rages between Saudi clerics . The European Council for Fatwa and Research . For Dhuhr and 'Asr. You can search for fatwa through many choices. . Combined Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’ In Light Rain, Time of 'Asr starts while combining Thuhr and 'Asr, Religions, Sects and Da'wah (Call to Islam), Jinaayaat (Criminology) and Islamic Judicial System, Islamic Politics and International Affairs, Medical Issues, Media, Culture and Means of Entertainment. Regarding shortening and combining prayers: a) What is correct number of days that shortening of the prayers is applicable while traveling? When I visit one of my relatives, at the time of prayer they offer me a prayer rug to pray upon. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 99571. The majority of the scholars say that work is not a valid excuse to combine prayers as Allaah says, " Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours". For this, the people combine because of rain, which due to it; it would be a hardship to return to the masaajid. The European Council for Fatwa and Research considers it permissible to combine the Maghreb and `Isha' prayers because `Isha' falls very late at night or because its mark disappears for a period during the summer. Praying Maghrib with the Imaam who is praying Ishaa. Fatwas by the Qatari Fatwa Authority and the UAE Fatwa Authority also permit combining the prayers if a person has no choice. According to Fatwa of Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America: "…combining the prayers… is permissible when traveling and also in times of rain, [snow,] mud, illness or violent winds, that which makes it very difficult to go to the masjid repeatedly - according to the majority of fiqh scholars, from among the Maliki, Shafi`i and Hanbali . And is combining them due to cold, snow or heavy rain permissible? Question: Can I combine prayers in order to provide emotional support to someone in a critical medical condition? I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, is His slave and Messenger. Fatwa N° : 67 Title : The ruling concerning Jam` Taqdîm (early combining of Maghrib (sunset prayer) and `Isha (night prayer) and the place of Al-Witr (odd prayer) in case of Jam` Ta'khîr (combining prayers in late) So I pray [on it] - even though I do not like to do so, because I see [both] the young and the old praying on it, and [then] they . Found inside – Page 21Other options are to repeat the ablution after each prayer,129 or to combine several prayers under one wudu'.130 ... In one recent fatwa it was recommended that a person with urine incontinence knot a bandage (ribat) on his penis right ... All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. The majority of . Also, if someone joins prayers without any valid reason, does they have to make up for that?
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