There are many issues associated with nuclear power that are often discussed but are irrelevant. GIC Re as a pool manager aims to develop INIP into a one-stop facility for covering all nuclear risks. India has had an unhappy relationship with China. Like coal, nuclear power has the wrong characteristics to support a grid with high solar and wind generation. Two more such 500 MWe fast reactors have been announced for construction at Kalpakkam, but slightly redesigned by the Indira Gandhi Centre to reduce capital cost. It is based on a demo reactor that ran back in the 60’s, but much of the design is new and even where it uses technology that has been in use in other sectors (the big one being ship-building technology), using that technology for this application is also new., “my point is: If coal- and gas-fired electricity generators are still around by the time demonstrably proven “new nuclear designs” are available for large-scale deployment, I’d suggest likely well beyond 2030, then human civilisation is likely already on an inevitable path of catastrophe and collapse.”. Saul Griffith has done the work: The two Tarapur 150 MWe boiling water reactors (BWRs) built by GE on a turnkey contract before the advent of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty were originally 200 MWe. Nicholas Geary, Enter your postcode now. France is now betting big on a new generation of nuclear technologies that still have the pluses but less of the … Learn more. IMO, if it’s still an open question it’s already TOO LATE to save humanity from the consequences of catastrophic climate change.”. Hey if you want to levy extra charge on McDonalds so as to encourage healthy eating I’m all for it and will fully support the notion, but I doubt it’d be a vote winner. The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) is responsible for design, construction, commissioning and operation of thermal nuclear power plants. That's the problem with hydro -- there are … NPCIL is also planning to build an indigenous 900 MWe PWR, the Indian Pressurised Water Reactor (IPWR), designed by BARC in connection with its work on submarine power plants. It started up about 1992 as a unit of BARC, and is apparently being expanded to some 25,000 SWU/yr. I not confident that we can replace all existing technologies like hydrocarbons with renewables. The 220 MWe PHWRs (202 MWe net) were indigenously designed and constructed by NPCIL, based on a Canadian design. It has active and passive systems for control and cooling. The CSC was not yet in force internationally, but Indian ratification would bring it closer to being so, and was part of the September 2008 agreement with the USA. It is the only reactor in the world running on U-233 fuel, according to the DAE. Control system documentation was delivered late, and when reviewed by NPCIL it showed up the need for significant refining and even reworking some aspects. The OECD’s International Energy Agency predicts that India will need some $1.6 trillion investment in power generation, transmission and distribution to 2035. Let’s say I’m completely wrong, and in the future, other countries build reactors that provide energy — when all costs are included — for less than renewables plus energy storage. I am ‘FOR’ wind and PV, and batteries, but feel it is woefully irresponsible not to also pursue other forms of low-CO2 energy generation – hence my support for maintaining a level of involvement in nuclear – as an available fall-back option, down the track. So by extension items [1] and [2] need “massive capacity, clean, safe, low cost” replacement generation technologies to simultaneously step in to keep the lights on and the wheels revolving globally. I’d love to see the numbers on the amount of battery storage including contingency that would be required for them to operate on 100% renewable generation with current reliability. Environmental approval for units 3-6 had been obtained earlier. But remember 2017, that rosy forecast that “it appears likely that both China and India will not require any thermal coal imports by around 2020” ? The environment minister in September 2014 said it would be 30 years before India would be likely to see a decrease in CO2 emissions. Fracture/fault-controlled uranium mineralisation similar to that in Karnataka in the North Delhi Fold Belt is in the 130 km long Rohil belt in Sikar district in Rajasthan, with 6133 tU identified (March 2014). Last year, wholesale prices were affected by the pandemic, so they are from the financial year ending in 2019. Sadly this is where we are at and where our future lies. But if we blow through 2030 still emitting huge amounts of fossil carbon, I bet we’ll be happy for all the best backup options we managed to get operational by then. The point about deliberate sabotage is interesting, but is that environmental terrorism, or international terrorism? This is because they successfully covered it up for eight years. I want to see more solar and general renewables, but 100% energy production for both domestic and industry use is going to be really difficult. But one that was as perfectly avoidable as it was perfectly predictable. To recognize that inherent limitation of projections is not a denial of science or evidence. In August 2010 GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) signed a preliminary agreement with India’s Tata Consulting Engineers, Ltd. to explore potential project design and workforce development opportunities in support of GEH’s future nuclear projects in India – notably the proposals for six ESBWR units – and around the world. The IRRS reported favourably in March 2015, but said that “the Government should embed the AERB's regulatory independence in law, separated from other entities having responsibilities or interests that could unduly influence its decision making.” The IRRS review was led by a senior Canadian regulator, and by then the AERB had finalized an arrangement for regulatory cooperation in the field of nuclear and radiation safety regulation with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC). But it is not so clean. As well as research uses, the CIRUS and Dhruva units are assumed to be largely for military purposes, as is the Trombay plutonium plant commissioned in 1965. Either we/humanity deploy the available solutions (i.e. (other subthread) The very best estimate for the cost of electricity from an SMR I have seen is around 6.2 cents per kilowatt-hour and it relies on everything going perfectly — a rare thing for nuclear power. If you cannot understand this, then I’d suggest you are being wilfully ignorant. This is framed and was debated in the context of strong national awareness of the Bhopal disaster in 1984, probably the world's worst industrial accident. It’s also irrelevant because nuclear power is too expensive. A period when wholesale electricity prices were exceptionally high: Even in the most expensive states during a period of high prices, wholesale electricity prices were still half the minimum cost of electricity from new reactors underway in the UK. It has a slightly negative void coefficient of reactivity and several advanced passive safety features to enable meeting next-generation safety requirements such as 72-hour grace period for operator response, elimination of the need for exclusion zone beyond the plant boundary, 100-year design life, and high level of fault tolerance. It seemed like a position you would be likely take. Looking further ahead its augmentation plan included construction of 25-30 light water reactors of at least 1000 MWe by 2030. Or if you say it’s because the situation is so dire that there simply isn’t time to develop new options, that sends the message that there’s also not enough time for large systemic changes and it’s all just hopeless–which again works against your agenda. Their cost is expected to be Rs 39,747 crore and the project was officially launched in October 2016 (see below under Nuclear Energy Parks). In January 2016 the cabinet asserted that "international and domestic concerns" over India's liability laws had been resolved with the 2015 establishment of the India Nuclear Insurance Pool, but this is not the perception of suppliers. One option to get a lower price would be to ask China to give us a good deal on a reactor as part of their Belt and Road initiative, but they’ve shown no interest in giving anyone else a good deal, so I doubt that will work. I suspect WA is embarrassed about how high it is. The original Kudankulam agreement said that supplier liability ended with delivery of the plant. However, in October 2009 India's safeguards agreement with the IAEA became operational, with the government confirming that 14 reactors would be put under the India Specific Safeguards Agreement by the end of 2014. In February 2016 the government amended the Atomic Energy Act to allow NPCIL to form joint venture companies with other public sector undertakings (PSUs) for involvement in nuclear power generation and possibly other aspects of the fuel cycle. NTPC is largely government-owned. Areva signed an agreement with Bharat Forge Ltd in January 2009 to set up a joint venture in casting and forging nuclear components for both export and the domestic market, by 2012. “You state: “That is, if the assumptions in those projections are valid and do not change…” By implementing abundant, clean, safe, low cost power for all people, two critical issues are resolved, for the price of one. Regarding whether they (and all the other teams) will be able to compete when they are ready, I would count that as a maybe-yes, maybe-no situation. Then the scientific evidence, that I’ve referred to in my series of previous comments in this thread, indicates the Earth System would then be on the path to reach an inevitable +3 to +5 °C global mean warming temperature range before 2100,”. At the end of October 2013 the Planning Commission said that under the 2010 law the domestic plant operator could limit the amount as well as duration of the liability that accrues to foreign suppliers, so that the liability is limited and therefore insurable. Nuclear power in Germany accounted for 11.63% of electricity supply in 2017 compared to 22.4% in 2010. Expand your Outlook. Wilful ignorance and denial about the climate crisis and the available, rapidly deployable solutions to mitigate, leading to inaction or inadequate action, can get many, many people killed. SA’s Big Battery supplies a tiny output for only a couple of hours, then goes flat – you can observe this for yourself, if you monitor the NEM widget AMD claims almost 12 million tonnes of monazite which might contain 700,000 tonnes of thorium. The information provided in this book examines the risks of terrorist attacks using these materials for a radiological dispersal device. A similar bilateral safeguards agreement with Australia was signed in 2014 and finalised in November 2015. And in accordance with the laws of technological evolution; if you don’t [like all of we commentators] you run the risk of irrelevance as a commentator and being left out of discussions. Now a National Bestseller! Climate change is real but it’s not the end of the world. It is not even our most serious environmental problem. Michael Shellenberger has been fighting for a greener planet for decades. This includes several facilities related to fuel fabrication, as part of the civil-military separation. How about a ‘REAL’ analysis, Ronald? The project was officially launched in October 2016. Remember that when we no longer have coal and NG generation, we will STILL want continuous energy supply. There’s also an element of Pascal’s Wager to this. But actually developing and evaluating them should address both of those issues. A KPMG report in 2007 said that transmission and distribution (T&D) losses were worth more than $6 billion per year. China understands the limitation of renewables in the context of being a meaningful contributor to “massive power” in their energy intensive society, compared to other sources such as coal fired and nuclear. Also:, So has the Global 100% RE Strategy Group:, So has the EWG & LUT University: Given nuclear’s prolonged development cycle, this could easily take over 20 years. In April 2010 it was announced that 18 months of negotiations with the USA had resulted in agreement to build two new reprocessing plants to be under IAEA safeguards, likely located near Kalpakkam and near Mumbai – possibly Trombay. The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) was established in 1948 under the Atomic Energy Act as a policy body. The first Cameco shipment arrived in December 2015. A series of 'research' reactors and critical facilities was built here: APSARA (pool-type, 1 MW, operating 1956-2010) was the first research reactor in Asia, CIRUS (40 MWt, 1960) built under the Colombo Plan, and Dhruva (100 MWt, 1985) followed it along with fuel cycle facilities. Most of us do not have this factual framework to understand this topic. At present the reactors supply some 1250 user institutions with preparations of Mo-99 , I-131 , I-125, P -32 , S-35, Cr-51 , Co-60, Au-198, Br-82, Ir-192 and others. “IMO, Thorcon’s highly optimistic project timeline indicating 6 years for a new system design to complete all construction, testing and acquire type approvals is already TOO LATE.”. In contrast to the situation in the 1990s, most PHWR reactors under construction to 2012 were on schedule (apart from fuel shortages 2007-09), and two – Tarapur 3&4 – were increased in capacity. It is concerned with capacity building and training in peaceful application of nuclear energy, especially the use of radioisotopes, nuclear safety, radioactive waste management, radiation safety and nuclear security. And prefer to continue business-as-usual, thus risk the future of human civilisation and the likely destruction of lives and livelihoods of billions of people? In mid-2015 NPCIL confirmed plans for Kaiga 5&6 as 700 MWe PHWR units, costing about Rs 6,000 crore. * Figure 1 shows Nuclear Electricity Generation in the World (and China), in TWh (net) and percentage share in World electricity generation (gross). For nuclear that hasn’t been developed yet, that’s still an open question. The Tarapur 3&4 reactors of 540 MWe gross (490 MWe net) were developed indigenously from the 220 MWe (gross) model PHWR and were built by NPCIL. At the end of July ASE Group and NPCIL signed contracts covering the design and supply of the main plant components for units 5&6. Final nail in the coffin which you glossed over is the storage of the nuclear waste which from memory figures of some 10 years ago was in the USA alone there was some 125,000 tonnes of the stuff of which 100,000 tonnes were sitting above ground in “puddles” of water. But divert critical resources? It runs the Indus 1&2 beamlines. This is expected to help NPCIL secure funding for new projects. The problem for your preferred agenda is not technical and it’s not any shortage of resources. In December 2008 a $700 million contract with Rosatom was announced for continued uranium supply to them. Because I’ve only seen the opposite of that. Nuclear power stations are complex systems, and we can’t be 100% certain what may go wrong or what deliberate sabotage could achieve. It is a pity that most are that afraid of nuclear energy. Despite India's international commitments, awareness of best practice and internal expert recommendations, the report said, "the legal status of AERB continued to be that of an authority subordinate to the central government, with powers delegated to it by the latter." Unit 2 construction was declared complete in July 2015, it was grid-connected in August 2016, and commenced commercial operation at the start of April 2017. In 2020, nuclear power added net 0.4 GW (+startups, -closures) while renewable capacity increased by a record 256 GW (+30 percent); nuclear production dropped 4 percent while non-hydro renewables increased 13 percent. Yet governments are still encouraging and approving more fossil fuel projects. This reduces their need for uranium by 17%. Sadly I do agree that we can’t be certain the United States will be around in 4 years – in fact I’d say we can’t be sure the US will survive to the next presidential election, but we can hope. Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing: France reprocesses its nuclear fuel. Nicholas Geary, Akbar Ahmed, an internationally renowned Islamic scholar, traveled across Europe over the course of four years with his team of researchers and interviewed Muslims and non-Muslims from all walks of life to investigate questions of Islam, ... In late 2008 NPCIL announced that as part of the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12), it would start site work for 12 reactors including the rest of the eight 700 MWe PHWRs, three or four fast breeder reactors and one 300 MWe advanced heavy water reactor (AHWR) in 2009. Since then the first Integrated Nuclear Recycle Plant (INRP) with facilities for both reprocessing of used light water reactor fuel of foreign origin, and waste management has been designed. Earlier there was federal environmental approval in December 2007 for a proposed uranium mine and processing plant here and for the Nongstin mine. Serious questions have been raised about health issues and environmental management.*. Unit 1 started up in mid-July 2013, was connected to the grid in October 2013 and entered commercial operation at the end of December 2014. However, these plans may have merged with others. Assuming it goes ahead, the first sub may be ready around 2040. It specializes in prestressed containment structures for reactor buildings. This reduces their need for uranium by 17%. In March 2009 GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy signed agreements with NPCIL and Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) to begin planning to build a multi-unit power plant using 1350 MWe Advanced Boiling Water Reactors (ABWR). Broadcast on the ABC’s Science Show on 29 Aug 2020, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Professor Johan Rockström said: “Time is also running out. A wealth tax that reduces consumption and shifts more resources into investment would also improve our capacity to protect ourselves in the future. Thereafter, the fissile material was refabricated as fuel and loaded back into the reactor, thus 'closing' the fast reactor fuel cycle for the FBTR. The initial two Russian PWR types at the Kudankulam site were apart from India's three-stage plan for nuclear power and were simply to increase generating capacity more rapidly.
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