next. The 79th sustained only nine casualties out of a total Federal loss of 20 killed and 80 wounded. 21 talking about this. It amalgamated with the Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) to form the Queen's Own Highlanders in 1961. As Colonel Cameron was being conveyed to the rear by his sorrowing clansmen, the 88th regiment, detached to reinforce the troops at this point, arrived in double-quick time; the men were now at the highest pitch of excitement, arid a charge being ordered by Brigadier-General Mackinnon, the enemy The remaining two companies wore the light blue pants common to Union Army regiments, although the coat was similar to the other companies. At Cairo the regiment had the honour of being selected to take possession of the advanced gate, the "Gate of the Pyramids," surrendered to the British in terms of a convention with the French.For its distinguished services during the Egyptian campaign, the Cameron Highlanders, besides receiving the thanks of the king and parliament, was one of the regiments which received Enjoy!! Lt.-Colonel Neil Douglas had a horse shot under him, and in consequence of his services he was awarded a gold medal; and Major Andrew Brown was promoted to the The city is, or was, full of Scotchmen, most of them enthusiastically national, and the performances had been a great success. Cameron of Erracht - Worn by the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders (79th Cameron Highlanders). However, as militia regiments were now to remain in Canada acting as drafting units, only a company of 7 officers and 250 other ranks were initially accepted. The death of this officer was very much regretted by Wellington, who in his despatch of October 11, 1812, said he considered "his loss as one of the greatest importance to this army and to His Majesty�s service." In spite of heavy fighting, the regiment escaped relatively lightly with only 40 men killed, missing or wounded. During the Maryland Campaign of September 1862, the 79th saw action at the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. The 79th was here brigaded with the 7th and 61st Regiments, under the command of Major-General Alan Cameron.The regiment had not long to wait before taking part in the active operations carried on against the French by England�s great general Wellington had taken up a strong position along the Sierra de Busaco, to ELLIOT, LT COL. James FERGUSON, Capt. The regiment took part in the expedition to Port Royal Ferry in January 1862 and saw action at Pocotaligo, South Carolina, in May, but not before becoming part of the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division of the Department of the South in April. "]Wellington,�and many other officers of high rank,� sent a special letter of condolence to the colonel�s father, Major-General Cameron, in which he speaks of his son in terms of the highest praise. ["At this interview, Colonel Cameron plainly told the Duke, �to draft the 79th is more than you or your Royal father dare do.� The Duke then said, �The King my father will certainly send the regiment to the West Indies.� Colonel Cameron, losing temper, replied, �You may tell the King your father from me, that he may send us to h**l if he likes, and I�ll go at the head of them, but he daurna draft us,� - a line of argument which, it is unnecessary to add, proved to the Royal Duke perfectly irresistible. On leaving Limerick, where it was quartered for nearly two years, the magistrates arid council presented an address to the commanding officer, Lt.-Colonel Douglas, in which they say,:� "The mild manners and military deportment of the officers, as well as the excellent discipline and moral order of the brave men whom you so well command. Soldiers of 1st Battalion The Highlanders bury coffins of two Scottish soldiers killed in WW1, October 20, 2004. "�Jameson�s Records, p. motives from which the suggestion now under consideration originally arose. "On leaving Gibraltar, in June 1848, the regiment proceeded to Canada, but before embarking, the officers and men erected by voluntary subscription a handsome marble tablet, in the Wesleyan Chapel at Gibraltar (where divine service was held for the Presbyterian soldiers of Under increasing pressure from the Scottish lobbyists the government relented and the initial steps taken to form Western Canada's first Highland regiment. He then pressed my hand to his breast, and gave me his to press to mine.In the beginning of December 1815, the 79th, as part of the Army of Occupation, went into cantonments in Pas de Calais, where it remained till the end of October 1818, when it embarked for England, taking up its quarters at Chichester on the 8th of November. Jul/Aug 1984. -I4 Wreaths and cap of the late Jack Low who served with 2 Company Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 51st Highland Division during the Second World War, laid at the Stone of Remembrance outside Edinburgh City Chambers during the St Valery commemoration to remember the thousands of … History of the Scottish Highlands : Highland clans and Highland regiments "The 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders" by John S Keltie (c.1886) The total number of The 79th wore Cameron of Erracht tartan - unlike other Highland regiments, which wore the Government Tartan. Their colonel, David Morrison, was wounded and command was passed to Colonel Laing. 79TH CAMERON HIGHLANDERS - CRIMEA. Maxwell improved by two spots from a year ago as a junior. Lieutenant-General Sir James Pulteney, however, did not see meet to follow Meantime, on the retirement, in June 1841, of Lt.-Colonel Robert Ferguson, Major Andrew Brown succeeded to the command of the regiment, but exchanged in October following with Colonel John Carter, K.H., from the 1st Royals, who retired in June 1842, and was succeeded by Major the Hon. This displeased the men who had always elected officers as a militia. 79th Highlanders, later the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, then the Queen's Own Highlanders and now the Highlanders 92nd Highlanders the Gordon Highlanders and now the Highlanders 95th Rifles, later the Rifle Brigade, and now the Royal Green Jackets volleys upon the enemy from behind the last-mentioned hedge, and in the course of fifteen minutes expended nearly all its ammunition. Hopefully by 2021 there will be some cure and we will be back, and ready to do what we do best, interact with the people and have fun! See more ideas about highlanders, british army, scottish. first brigade, being threatened by a body of the enemy�s cavalry, formed into squares, and soon afterwards returned to its former position on the road, ["During the formation, Piper Kenneth Mackay of the 79th, a brave Highlander, stepped outside of the bayonets and continued to play round the outside of the square, the popular air of �C�gaidh n� Sith' with much inspiriting effect. "�Note by Dr A. Anderson, Regimental surgeon, p. 44 of H. S. Smith�s List of the Officers of the 79th. The National Archives, Kew. Meanwhile, the 2nd Battalion was sent to Queenstown in Ireland where it saw action during the Irish War of Independence: the Battalion was engaged in several fire-fights with the Irish Republican Army.The 2nd Battalion then … Wellington, with all his staff and a large number of general officers, notwithstanding the critical state of matters, attended his funeral, The Camerons were the only infantry regiment to have a single regular battalion. Eeing afterwards repeatedly threatened by cavalry, it formed and moved forward in square, but without being attacked." At Corunna, on the 16th of January 1809, the 79th The light companies, on arriving at the gorge of the work, were received with a brisk fire of musketry through the opening in the palisades, causing severe loss ; they, however, continued to advance, and, without waiting for the application of the felling-axes and ladders, with which they were provided, the foremost in the attack were actually lifted over the palisades on each other�s shoulders. On the northern slope the British look on as Ruffin's division begins to approach. John Ramsay was appointed Colonel of the 79th, and was succeeded, on his death in July 1842, by Lt-General Sir James Macdonell, G.C.B., whose portrait will be found on the plate of Colonels of the 78th and 79th Regiments. Among these, the most popular, perhaps, was the performance of private theatricals by a small company selected from more or less qualified volunteers; and in truth the way in which they contrived to put small pieces of a broad farcical nature on their improvised stage, did no small "The monotony of a regiment�s life at Gibraltar is well known to every corps that has had to perform garrison duty on the Rock. The attack by the 42nd was to be the signal for the advance of the light battalion, the command of the whole being entrusted to Major. The regimental colours of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. On its … Deluxe edition for collectors and modellers of … Lauderdale Maule. This changes the textures of the unit to be the most historically accurate as possible, from that little badge, to the King's Colors! The regiment traveled to Washington where they repeated the spectacle with the regimental brass band filling in for the pipers who had stayed behind. Calling “Follow me, my Highlanders” Stevens was killed instantly by a bullet through his temple as he took the regiment colors from the sixth color bearer to fall. Type: BOOK - Published: 2011-09-02 - Publisher: Random House Get BOOK . This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. Unfortunately certain festivities, which were scarcely included in the programme submitted to the commanding officer, followed in connection with these entertainments, and poor C- , among others, was not entirely proof against their seductions. History Of The 79th Queen S Own Cameron Highlanders Now The First Battalion Queen S Own Cameron Highlanders 1794 1893 full free … £19.99 + P&P + P&P … Haros improved by 37 spots off of last season and by nine seconds on the stopwatch. Kempt�s brigade, deploying into line, advanced to this road, the light companies and the rifles descending into the valley, and maintaining a severe contest against overwhelming numbers. 1853 - 1873War with Russia, New Colours, the 79th parts with some of its best men to the 93rd, In a letter dated "Horse Guards, 13th October 1804," Colonel Cameron was requested to state his "private opinion as to the expediency of abolishing the seeing Cameron fall, raised a dreadful shriek of grief and rage "they charged with irresistible fury the finest body of French grenadiers ever seen, being a part of Bonaparte�s selected guard. "About this period of the action, a French soldier was observed to slip aside into a doorway and take deliberate aim at Colonel Cameron, who fell from his horse mortally having mingled with the former, and cheering them on. 'The 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders', c1890.Artist: Frank Teller. In this affair, Lt. Kenneth Cameron of the 79th captured the Lieutenant-Colonel of the 39th French infantry.On the 2nd of May, Massena, desirous of relieving Almeida, which Wellington had invested, took up a position in front of Dos Casas and Fuentes d�Onor. Lt.-Colonel Fulton retired from the command of the regiment, which was assumed by Lt.-Colonel Neil Douglas, from the 2nd battalion.Breaking up from winter-quarters about the middle of May, the army advanced against the enemy, who occupied various strong positions on the north of the Douro, which, however, were precipitately evacuated during the advance of the British army. Alan Cameron of Erracht, founder of the regiment. After this battle, Wellington deemed it prudent to retire within the strong lines of Torres Vedras, whither he was followed by Massena, who remained there till the 14th of November, when he suddenly broke up his camp and retired upon Santarem, followed by Wellington. Eventually the Militia changed to Volunteers, but most notably, the mission changed. In spite of this, some men did manage to reach the top by climbing on the shoulders of their comrades and were able to place their colors on the parapet. The regiment seems to have discharged its unpleasant duties as delicately and satisfactorily as did the 42nd Highlanders, and to have merited the esteem and … Create a free website or blog at In July they embarked 1002 bayonets for Walcheren, were engaged during the whole siege of Flushing in the trenches, yet had not a man wounded, and, whilst there, lost only one individual in fever�Paymaster Baldock, the least The 79th Highlanders, New York Volunteers, Company C. Reenact the American Civil War with the 79th In 1991, Company C, 79th Highlanders, New York State Militia, was formed by a group of men in Oregon to participate in Civil War reenacting. It prompltly saw action in Flanders under the Duke of York in 1794, and was sent to the West Indies fromn1795 - 1797. // Don't edit below! the village of Waterloo to cook its provisions; but before this could be accomplished it was ordered forward towards Quatre Bras, where it halted on the road, at the distance of about half a mile from the enemy, from whom the column was separated by a rising ground. Here also did the officers and men of the 79th erect, in the Scotch Presbyterian Church of form of his commanding officer, a gleam of tipsy humour for a moment lighted up his somewhat grotesque lineaments ; John Barley-corn had, for the time, extinguished all terrors of the august presence. History of the 79th New York Cameron Highlanders, 1859-1876. (Seaforth & Camerons) Regimental Association The 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 1853 - 1873 ----- The Cameron Highlanders had had a long rest from active service since those two glorious days at Quatre Bras and Waterloo, in the events of which it bore such a prominent and gallant part and lost so many of its braves; now once again the declaration of war with Russia, on … Thomas Brown, William Maddock, William Leaper, James Fraser, Donald MacPhee, and William A. Riach; Ensign James Robertson, Volunteer Alexander Cameron, 10 sergeants, and 248 rank and file wounded. Nivelle" on its colours and appointments. bayonet, drove the French advanced troops with great precipitation and in disorder to a hedge about a hundred yards in their rear, where they attempted to re-form, but were followed up with such alacrity that they again gave way, pursued to another hedge about the same distance, from which they were a second time driven in confusion upon their main column, which was formed in great strength upon the opposite rising ground. British Highland troops in France, 1940. Music was provided by the pipers of the NY Caledonian Society. and sharing all its privations for fifteen years; "his almost paternal anxiety," as Captain Jameson says, "for his native Highlanders had never permitted him to be absent from their head." After the two brigade companies had halted for a very short time on this road the division broke off to the left, lining the Namur Road, the banks of which were from ten to fifteen feet high on each side. 21 talking about this. The defence of the position was Hello everyone, this is just a simple texture mod that replaces the '42nd Black Watch Regiment' to the '79th Cameron Highlanders Regiment'! This changes the textures of the unit to be the most historically accurate as possible, from that little badge, to the King's Colors! 1958/1961 - amalgamated with the The Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) to form the Queen's Own Highlanders. After the battle the Executive Officer LTC Samuel Elliot returned to New York to try to recruit replacements and a pipe band. Piper Kenneth Mackay, all of the 79th, accompanied by a like number of each rank from the 42nd and 92nd Highlanders, proceeded to the Palais Elysee in Paris, to gratify the Emperor�s desire of examining the dress and equipments of the Highland regiments. } "The regiment remained in Ireland till November 1805, The position, a bastioned earthwork, was on top of a hill, which formed a salient at the northeast corner of the town’s defenses. £22.15 £ 22. country, losing 200 men from privation and the severity of the climate.Shortly afterwards the regiment returned to England, and landed in the Isle of Wight, in April 1795. £19.99 + P&P + P&P … A classic of historical figures in modelling. In one of these Major Andrew Lawrie of the 79th was killed while entering a In this manner, the first man who entered the work was Led by their colonel, they charged three times over the dead and wounded of the 2nd Wisconsin. sailed for the north of Ireland, to take up its quarters at Belfast, where it remained till May, when, with all the other available forces of Britain, it was called upon to take part in that final and fierce struggle with the great disturber of the peace of Europe, and assist in putting an end to his bloody machinations against the peace of civilised nations. to which was lined by the enemy�s columns. George, Glasgow, Sir John Douglas becomes Colonel, Gibraltar, Proposal to link the Regiment with the Black Watch made and abandoned, Dep�t fixed at Inverness, Orders for Egypt, Alexandria, Ramleh, Ismailia, The Desert March, Tel-el-Kebir, Zagazig, Cairo, Sir Archibald Alison�s Farewell Order, Presentation of Medals by General Graham, Expedition up the Nile, Korosko, Wady Haifa, Kosheh and Mograkeh, Giniss, Honours from the Khedive, Return to England. Our unit … The pursuit was then discontinued, and a slackened and desultory fire of advanced posts succeeded.The brigade had, in the meantime, formed on the Balma road across the height, the light companies were recalled, and final A dress parade was held to mark their departure from New York. with as lightly as the code of military discipline permitted. The regiment had been in Egypt for some years and had travelled south as part of the expedition to save General Gordon who was trapped in Khartoum. The 79th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, known as the "Highlanders" because its militia companies were composed mostly of men of Scottish descent. ESPAÑOL. the honour of bearing the word "Salamanca" on its colours and appointments, and a gold medal was conferred upon the commanding officer, Lt.-Colonel Robert Fulton, who had joined the regiment at Vellajes in September 1811, with a draft of 5 sergeants, and 231 rank and file from the 2nd battalion.In the interval between Fuentes d�Onor and Salamanca the 79th was moved about to various places, and twice was severely attacked with epidemic sickness.After the battle of On 29 September … After the war, the surviving members of the 79th sent the same blood-stained flag, for which he given his life, to his widow. } mentioned in the despatch. The Camerons were the only infantry regiment to have a single regular battalion. from the real comfort of the Highland soldier, and a wish to lay aside that national martial garb, the very sight of which has, upon many occasions, struck the enemy with terror and confusion,�and now metamorphose the Highlander from his real characteristic appearance and comfort in an odious incompatible dress, to which it will, in my opinion, be difficult to reconcile him, as a poignant grievance to, and a galling reflection upon, Highland corps, &c., as levelling that martial The unit fought to preserve the Union and was composed Scots and Americans of Scottish de‐ scent. The remainder of the company now 14 pp. The attack of the former or most advanced redoubt was assigned to the 42nd, and. "The regiment," says Captain Jameson, "cleared the bank in its front, fired a volley, and, charging with the which the brave Abercromby got his death-wound, the light companies of the 79th and the other regiments of its brigade kept the enemy�s riflemen in check in front, while the fight was raging hotly on the right. After the Seaforth and the Cameron Highlanders were amalgamated to form the QOCH, further amalgamation … In 1873, the Regiment became a `Royal’ regiment and became known as the 79th (Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders) Regiment with the Colour of its facings being changed from green to blue. Its services, however, were not brought into requisition till the close of the day, and its casualties were only two men wounded. Donald Cameron, John Powhug, and 48 men died soon afterwards. At the First Battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861, the Third Brigade of Tyler’s Division, under Colonel William Tecumseh Sherman, consisted of four regiments of infantry and a battery of artillery. Queen's Own Highlanders. Maclean, Adjutant and Lt. Kenneth Cameron, 12 sergeants, 2 drummers, and 182 rank and file. The 79th Regiment of Foot (Cameron Highlanders) was founded by Alan Cameron of Erracht in 1793. Main menu. Get Book. Shop with confidence. In the ensuing battle, Cameron’s successor as regimental commanding officer, Brig. In 1961 the regiment was amalgamated with the Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) to form the Queen's Own Highlanders. Sir Walter Scott, in his "Vision of Don Roderick," thus alludes to Colonel Cameron�s death :-" And what avails thee that, for Cameron slain,Wild from his plaided ranks the yell was given?Vengeance and grief gave mountain-rage the rein,And, at the bloody spear-point headlong driven,The despot�s giant guards fled like the rack of heaven. "Cameron Highlanders or Seventy-Ninth Regiment", page 99, The History of Scotland, its Highlands, Regiments and Clans, Volume VIII by James Browne 1909; Shikar … When the mutineers, who had not anticipated such a response to their complaints and whose own arms were stacked, were ordered to cease their mutiny, they recognised the futility of their position and speedily submitted. } NH64NE Grid Ref: NH 6661 4552 Source: O/S 1:1250 Map. Duncan Macpherson, Donald Cameron, and Ewen Kennedy, 2 sergeants, and 27 rank and file killed; Captains James Campbell, senior, Neil Campbell ; Lts. A survivor with the Confederate troops said, “We camped on the field, sleeping side by side with the dead of both armies. BRITAINS QUEENS OWN CAMERON HIGHLANDERS Lead Hollowcast TOY SOLDIER FIGURE (216) Pre-owned Pre-owned Pre-owned. Formed from Scottish immigrants they wore full highland uniforms consisting of a Doublet coat, glengarries and kilts. At Red and White Beaches directly in front of the main port, the Essex Scottish and Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (RHLI) regiments landed without their armoured support, the 14th Canadian Army Tank Regiment (the Calgary Tanks), which was late. A battalion of regular infantry, supported by a squadron of regular cavalry and a battery of artillery, was lined up facing the 79th, firearms loaded and ready for use. "Early on the morning of the 5th of May, Massena, who in the meantime had been making dispositions for a renewal of the contest, again directed his strongest efforts against the position held by the 79th and its comrades. At the top of the badge was … Cameron, John Webb, and Fulton Robertson, Ensigns Charles Brown and Duncan Cameron, 6 sergeants, and 138 rank and file wounded, besides about 100 missing, many of whom were afterwards reported as killed.The grief for the loss of Colonel Cameron, son of Major-General Alan Cameron, former and first colonel of the 79th, was deep and wide-spread. At the end of the battle, the shattered remnant of the 79th Highlanders was commanded by a Lieutenant, Alexander Cameron, as all senior officers were dead or wounded. New New New. Napoleonic historical reenactment group, established in Catalonia, … London SW1Y 6NH. 1958/1961 - Queen's Own Highlanders. function click(e) { The 79th regiment of Foot was raised in 1793 as the 79th Foot - Cameronian Volunteers, by Sir Allan Cameron of Erracht. It was a costly mistake – “As we lowered our arms and were about to rally where the banner floated we were met by a terrible raking fire, against which we could only stagger”. Cheshire came across in 91st in her first state meet. Hello all I am Colonel Ginger of the 79th Cameron Highlanders. The regiment was inspected at Stirling in January 1794, and at the end of the same month its strength was raised to 1000 men, Alan Cameron being appointed Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant.1 The 79th was at first designated the "Cameronian Volunteers," but this designation was subsequently changed to "Cameron Highlanders." It was brought about under the auspices of the Caledonian Society of New York, and with the encouragement of the British Consul of New York, Captain David Cameron. This image was created and shared by: Adam Brown. He died amid the cheers of victory with the color staff gripped firmly in his hand almost at the same time and nearly on the same ground as Major General Philip Kearny. Hardcover. They were sometimes known as the Seventy-ninth Militia; the Highlanders; the Cameron Rifle Highlanders; the Highland Guard; and the Bannockburn* Battalion. A wonderful glimpse into the now-vanished world of British sporting life in India during the late nineteenth century from shooting game birds to hunting tigers. In front of the earth- work was a 12-foot-wide ditch, some eight feet deep, with an almost vertical slope to the top of the parapet, about 15 feet above the bottom of the ditch. Before the war, the regiment had four “kilted” companies, amounting to around 260 men, all told. On July 1, 1881 the 79th foot was redesignated as 1st Battalion The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, the county regiment of Inverness-shire. Download History Of The 79th Queen S Own Cameron Highlanders Now The First Battalion Queen S Own Cameron Highlanders 1794 1893 full book in PDF, EPUB, and Mobi Format, get it for read on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. By the force of overwhelming numbers the French did succeed in carrying the lower portion of the village, at the same time surrounding and taking prisoners two companies of the 79th, which had got separated from the main body. We are a long lasting Mount & Blade:Napoleonic Wars regiment that was formed on June 17, 2013 by founding members ARMYSTRONG, Noodlenrice, Modernassassin, Rancid, and Wherner. The Cameron family papers, 1854-1894. The light companies were now ordered out, and directed to conform to the movements of the brigade, General Pack The post was maintained until the evening, when the battle terminated, and the Highlanders being withdrawn, were replaced by a brigade of the light division. Cameron Highlanders of Canada' on 11 April 1958.8 Ce régiment de la Force de réserve vit le jour à Winnipeg, au Manitoba, le 1er février 1910, lorsque le « The 79th Highlanders of Canada » fut autorisé.1 Il fut rebaptisé : « The 79th Cameron Highlanders of … Colin Maclean.Alexander Macdonell. Whilst in this exposed situation, it was ordered to retire, which it accomplished without confusion, although it had a broad ditch to leap, and the first hedge to repass, when it formed line about fifty yards in front of its original position. destroyed by the French. He saw the 79th New York newly arrived to join his unit. brevet rank of Lt.-Colonel for his gallantry.Along with the rest of the army, the 79th followed the enemy towards the French frontier, the next action in which it took part being that of Nivelle, November 19, 1813, fully described elsewhere. Paperback. During the following few months it shared in all the disasters of the unfortunate campaign in that Get Book. On the receipt of the news of the sepoy insurrections in India the unit sailed from Ireland … Thomas Mylne was promoted by brevet to be major in the army; and Lt. Alexander Cameron, upon whom, from the great loss sustained in superior officers, the command of the regiment ultimately devolved, was promoted to the brevet rank of major for his distinguished conduct. [Whilst the enemy thus gained a temporary possession of the redoubts, Lieutenant Ford and seven men of the 79th, who were in a detached portion of the work, separated from its front face by a deep road, had their retreat cut off by a whole French Moore, being joined by the division under Sir David Baird, at Mayorga, had proceeded as far as Sahagun, when he deemed it advisable to commence the ever memorable retreat to Corunna, details of which have already been given. The Scottish regiments of the Highlands were very brave and are remembered even today for that. A cry of grief, intermingled with shouts for revenge, arose from the rearmost Highlanders, who witnessed the fall of their commanding officer, and was rapidly communicated to those in front. roused the indignation of the colonel, who in an interview service against the enemy. 05. necessary quantity to serve decently throughout the year would become extremely expensive, but, above all, take away completely the appearance and conceit of a Highland soldier, in which case I would rather see him stuffed in breeches, and abolish the distinction at once�I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) "Alan CAMERON,"Colonel 79th or Cameron Highlanders." 54mm Resin. Functions, occupations and activities: Government (central) References: Swinson, Regiments and Corps..., 1972; NCA Rules: Name authority reference: GB/NNAF/C285953 : Collections; Number Description Held by Reference Further information; 1: 1780-1877: 79th Foot . Twenty-one members of the 79th who were considered to be the ringleaders of the revolt were sent to the hell of the prison at Fort Jefferson, Florida, on the Dry Tortugas, Florida, and the 79th’s regimental colours were taken away, which McClellan then kept in his own headquarters they earned their colors back when the regiment acquitted themselves in battle at Lewinsville (September 11).
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